Sunday, January 25, 2015

Weather Report

Whenever there is a threat of snow, I always get requests to give a weather report.  It's so funny to me, because I don't really know anything about predicting the weather.  All I really know is that I have been predicting "THE BIG ONE" for years, and one of these times I will get it right!  Oh, and I also have a weather predicting toe, which will hurt sometimes when we are going to get bad, cold weather.  I really don't think all of the snow buzz is going to pan out.  I think some places will get a light snow, but if Mathews gets anything, it will only be a dusting and it will not affect us in any way. The reason for this is that annoying thing called the snow line. I am pretty sure the line runs right near Mathews County, and that sometimes throws off my forecast.  Now please remember, this forecast is subject to change, because my toe can't always predict weather more than 24 hours away! I will keep you posted!

All this weather talk got me thinking about how our lives are really a lot like the weather.  Meteorologists say things like partly sunny and partly cloudy and they speak of the high and low temperature for the day.  Think about your range of emotions in a day's time.  Sometimes we feel happy and cheerful, and other times we feel sad or maybe even grumpy. That is kind of like being partly sunny and partly cloudy I think. Sometimes in life storms come our way and we encounter seasons of difficulty.  The bible says in Ecclesiastes 3:1:

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:

As we grow, we go through all kinds of different situations and seasons.  No matter what you are going through, God promises to bring you through it. As we go through the trials of life, and we will have trials, it would do us good to remember that our situation will not last forever.  My mama always says,  "This too shall pass."  and it is so true.  Nothing lasts forever and it is in those seasons and difficult times that we grow.  Just like the weather, there will be highs and lows, but we can always look for sunshine.  So no matter what the weather forecast, always remember this:
Sometimes, with God's help, we can create our own sunshine, and other times He calls us to be the sunshine for someone else.

There is Sunshine in My Soul Today - 8x10 printable graphic art, yellow sun sunshine LDS art  

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Gray Hair, Don't Care

Have you ever stopped and thought about why people get gray hair?  I never really gave it any thought until one day my hair dresser commented that she really didn't think the blond highlights were cutting it anymore.  What in the world?  At the time I wasn't even 40 yet. How could this be?  Gray hair looks great on old people, but in my mind I was still too young to be turning gray.  I don't know why I was so shocked, because I am my father's daughter, and he has been gray for a while. but I have to confess, I was not too pleased with this situation! I want to be a person who ages gracefully, so I did the only sensible thing to do.  First I experimented with different colors, but finally I decided to go with my" natural" hair color, which is............brown! Did you know the bible speaks about gray hair? I am not even kidding.  Check this out:
     Gray hair is a crown of splendor, it is attained by a righteous life.   -Proverbs 16:31
     The glory of young men is their strength, gray hair the splendor of the old.    -Proverbs 20:29
Wow!  That's pretty cool.  My gray hair is a crown of splendor.  I don't really know what a crown of splendor is, so I think I will just continue with my "natural" hair color until I am old enough to figure it out!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Life's an adventure. Enjoy the ride.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.
                                                                                                                -Hebrews 10:24

 If you know me at all, you know I love telling stories, a trait I think I got from my Grandma Judy.   I think it's important for people to share their stories with one another because that is how we learn.
My Grandma Judy also taught me the value of laughing and seeing the humor in all situations. Life isn't always funny, but if you look hard enough, there is a blessing in every situation. So after some encouragement from a few friends, I decided to start a blog to share random things that happen in my life, and how God uses those things to help me grow. My hope is that we encourage one another as we travel through this joyous adventure we call life.  After all, isn't life sweeter when we travel together?