I am big on perspective. People view things so differently. Let me give you an example. This morning on the way to school, I was running 55(ish!!!!) when suddenly a car turned in front of me. I slammed on brakes and had to bring the car to a complete stop to avoid smashing into that car. My only focus was getting my car stopped in time, and my heart was just about to beat out of my chest! My perspective was keeping everyone safe and being ever so thankful we weren't involved in a wreck.
Caroline was eating a piece of sausage with cheese. When I slammed on brakes, her sausage went flying. It landed on her pants. All the stuff in the back seat turned upside down. Once she realized we were all ok, she was mad because she had cheese on her pants and the back seat was a wreck.
Kathryn didn't say anything at first. After a while she said she was very thankful she had not been driving. Right before we turned into MHS, she said, "Well here is a funny story. Right before mom almost killed us, I looked at the man sitting at the stop sign. His eyes were about to pop out of his head and his mouth was hung open like a cod fish!"
Four perspectives, same story! As you go through this day and through life, remember this. God has a much bigger plan for us than we can even imagine. We just need to follow Him. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says:
Rejoice always. Pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.