My neighbor
and I run 4 days a week, somewhere between the hours of 5:15 a.m. to 7:15 a.m. Now
don’t get me wrong. We are not serious runners, and here’s how you know we aren't serious. Sometimes when another neighbor is frying bacon for breakfast, we can smell it. For years we have been wishing that just once
someone would walk to the end of their driveway and offer us a piece, but NO,
they never do. I’m pretty sure real
runners don’t think about and wish for bacon when they run.
That was the
background information you needed to understand the rest of the story! On Dec.
30th (a Tuesday) I was
hosting a breakfast for my Monday night bible study ladies. On Dec. 23rd (also a Tuesday) I
walked out to the end of my road to meet my neighbor for our run and there was
an unfamiliar car in my driveway. It was
8:00, and we almost never wait that late to go running. That is an important detail because we need to remember that God's timing is always perfect. As I approached the end of my driveway, my
neighbor was laughing her head off, and I was so curious about what was going
on. As I approached I realized it was
one of the bible study ladies who had come to breakfast on the wrong Tuesday. We all shared a good laugh and as she
prepared to leave she said, “Wait!
Before I go, would either of you like a piece of bacon?” Can you believe it? After all of those years of waiting and
wishing, someone FINALLY came to the end of the driveway and offered us a piece
of bacon. It was a Christmas miracle!
Though we laughed and laughed at that funny story, we took time to reflect on
the fact that even though we may want something for a really long time,
sometimes God says, “No.” Or maybe he
says, “Wait.” He orchestrates everything that happens in our lives and He knows
what is best for us. So just remember,
even if it seems like the thing you have been waiting on forever will never
happen, keep the faith. One day out of
the blue, bacon may appear at the end of your driveway!

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