How do you feel about leftovers? My family can’t stand leftovers. Even if they
love the dinner I made, they do not want to eat it again as a leftover. I try to understand this, but for the life of
me I cannot. I think leftovers are fabulous!
You can have a delicious meal all over again without going through all
the hassle of cooking it and cleaning it all up. You can take the leftovers for
lunch the next day and you won’t have to eat a nasty sandwich. What’s not to
I wonder how God feels about leftovers. I don’t think He
likes them very much. Colossians 3:23 says:
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as
working for the Lord and not for men.
Sometimes I think about that verse when I am really tired
and don’t feel like doing my work (dishes, laundry, grading papers, cleaning,
or whatever needs to be done at the time.) God blessed me with a wonderful
family and a job I love, and I need to work hard because it honors God. This applies to my time as well. God wants me to always give Him my best, not
my leftovers.
So when my family asks me what’s for dinner, I will smile
before I answer, because I know that I am going to reheat those leftovers with
all of my heart!

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