Thursday, April 2, 2015

Which Way Do I Turn?

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you knew where you were, yet at the same time you were lost?  You know my sense of direction isn't really that strong, and if you have spent any time in Mathews, you know the back roads are very confusing.  This time I totally knew where I was going, but my friend traveling with me was certain I was going the wrong way.  We had heavy discussion about which road would lead to our friend's house.  Both of us had been there dozens of times, but this time we allowed doubt to creep in and cloud our sense of judgement. We may have even turned around a time or two as we went my way (right), decided it was wrong, and then turned around and went her way (left).  As it turns out, the way we turned didn't really make any difference at all.  The roads connected and we were both going the right direction!  The old saying, "All roads lead home," actually proves true for our friend because all the roads led to her house.  We just about laughed our heads off! But in every situation, there is always a lesson and always a blessing if you choose to see it.

In the journey of life, where our goal is to get to heaven, all roads don't lead home.  Jesus makes it very clear in Matthew 7:13-14:

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Hopefully we all go through life trying to make good choices and be kind.  But the bible tells us being a good person will not get us to heaven.  There is only one way to get to heaven, and that is to trust in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. If we don't choose that narrow road that leads to life, we will be lost for all eternity.

Though I often find myself turning the wrong way and feeling lost, I know there is only one  true way home, and that's by way of the cross. I am thankful God sent his Son to die for my sins so I may have eternal life.  God has given me friends so we can travel this narrow road together, and maybe even share a few laughs along the way. Now that is what I call a blessing!

I don't know why I felt so led to share this story with you, and it is a little bolder than what I have posted in the past. However, you are my friends and I want to be sure you know about this narrow gate.  It reminds me of a saying from my dad, "The truth is welcome in heaven!"

(Matthew 7:14) But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

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