Thursday, July 9, 2015

Lessons from a Dragonfly

It was a great day on the beach,  but the wind was blowing approximately 900 miles an hour. Every once in a while, we'd be sand blasted, but other than that,  it was perfect.

As I sat there, a dragonfly caught my attention. He was perched on a little twiggy thing sticking out of the sand.  It was probably something spewed up by the sea. Though it didn't seem important to me, it was a perfect anchor for this dragonfly. He hung out there the entire day. There were other twigs that would have seemed ok, but he had his sights set on this particular twig.

It was so windy I really don't know how he remained anchored to it, but somehow he did. Oh he flew away from time to time, if something scared him or caught him off guard, but he always came right back to that same spot. People buzzed around him, but he just hung on. Waves crashed and birds swooped,  but he just clung to the twig. Dogs barked and little kids giggled and screamed with delight,  but still he just hung on. It didn't matter how hard the wind howled, he just remained latched to that twig.

Here is what I learned from the dragonfly.  We need to allow God to be our anchor. Sometimes the waves of life will crash around us, and people will be going about life doing their own thing,  but we just need to keep clinging to The Anchor. Many people won't understand why The Anchor is so important to us, but we should never let that sway us. Sometimes we may even let go and flit away, but we should always keep The Anchor in sight, and never too far from our grasp.

I am not sure dragonflies always spend so much time in one place, but that's a great lesson too. Sometimes you need to slow down, relax, and enjoy the scenery around you. Just hanging out on The Anchor may give you a fresh perspective on life. Even if life leaves you feeling sand blasted, you can take comfort in knowing The Anchor will never move. I'm pretty sure the dragonfly had a great day; I know I sure did. So I will try to remember the lesson from the dragonfly as I flit through life: Slow down every once in a while, and just hang out and rest in God, the one true Anchor.

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