Saturday, August 22, 2015

One Click Away

As most of you know,  I started a new job a few weeks ago. While I absolutely love the job, there are often times during the day when I need to ask for help. This is hard for me because I prefer to be in a position where I help others.  It puts me out of my comfort zone to be the one who needs help.

Although I'm not a fan of asking for help, here's what I have discovered.  Everyone is more than willing and happy to help me. It was a great idea for God to give us coworkers and friends to help us discover that if we just keep clicking, or keep trying, we can usually find the answer.

I have adopted a motto at work, and I feel like I say it one million times a day. "The answer is just one click away." It's almost always true, but I have to be willing to keep clicking to search for the answer.

  It would serve me well to apply this motto to my life outside of work as well. I know I need God to help me navigate through all aspects of my life. Sometimes that means I need to read my bible or pray, but other times it means I just need to sit still and put myself in a position to hear from God.

What do you need help with today?  Psalm 121:1-2 says, "I lift my eyes to the mountains- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." Everyone needs help,  and God is ready and willing to guide our footsteps and direct our path.

So remember,  no matter what's going on in your life, God is only one click away, or one prayer away, or one page away in our bible. Don't miss out on His wisdom or His blessings because you were too uncomfortable to ask.

Also don't miss out on helping those around you. You may be the only person who has the ability to make a difference for that person.  Be the click for someone today, but also allow God to be the click for you.  It will just make the world a better place.

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