Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Excuse Me, Do You Have Any Jumper Cables I Could Borrow?

When I got ready to come home yesterday,  the car wouldn't start. I don't mean it barely turned over, I mean it wouldn't even make a pop!  So I did the only thing there was to do; I called Troy in a panic! This idea turned out to be not so helpful,  since I was in Richmond and Troy was in Williamsburg.

After I finished whining to him, I put on my big girl panties and went looking for help. Here's how it went down.  I was able to find two girls to help me. One girl had no jumper cables, but she knew how to use them. The other girl had jumper cables, but she didn't know how to use them.  But that, my friends, was the winning combination.

The girl "in the know" set to work right away, only to discover she couldn't open the hood on either car.  We had no worries, though, because I knew how to do that job! In no time at all (actually it took a really long time), I was off and running!

I suppose there are many ways to view this story.  Some people may even choose to judge me because I couldn't take care of this little problem myself. But here's what I think about it.  God puts people in our path just when we need them. He doesn't intend for us to do everything alone. God wants us to work together and help each other out. These girls were precious, and we actually laughed right hard at ourselves trying to jump start this car in the rain.

I also think as we travel through life, we need to remember it's o.k. not to know everything.  We need to stop putting so much pressure on ourselves.  If you know a little something, and you put your trust in God, you're going to be alright. These girls went out of their way to help a total stranger, and that my friends, is a great lesson.  

Sunday, October 25, 2015

That Wasn't Very Nice

This morning someone made a comment to me that really hurt my feelings. I took it in stride,  but once I walked away and found myself fighting off tears, I realized how much the comment really hurt me.

I think there are several stages we go through when we get our feelings hurt. This is how it looks for me. First there's the initial "I Can't Believe You Just Said That" phase. Next comes the "Why Would You Want To Hurt Me" phase. After that comes the " Maybe I'll Punch You in the Nose" phase. Finally comes the "Can You Believe She Said That Phase" where I try to suck a few people into being on my side.  At this point in the hurt, I am usually faced with a decision.  Am I going to hang on to it and let it fester, or am I going to turn the other cheek and forgive?

I'd love to be able to tell you I quickly let go of hurtful things,  but unfortunately I have a very unspiritual gift of holding on to things that hurt me or hurt those I love. I don't know why I do this. I know people who have the gift of mercy, but I don't.  I wish I did, because I know holding grudges is a terrible idea. It only makes people bitter, and I really don't want to be that girl!

Ephesians 4:31-32 says, "Get rid of all bitterness,  rage, and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other,  just as in Christ, God forgave you.

When I think about what God wants me to do, I realize my little phases may not be the most appropriate response. I may not always make the right decision,  but I know I have a God who loves me and forgives me when I make poor choices. Maybe one day soon, I'll stop getting my feelings hurt so easily. But for now, I'm just a work in progress!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Today I was blessed with the opportunity to give out lunches to the homeless in Monroe Park. I really can't put into words what it's like to experience this. It's a life-changing experience that rocks me to my core every time I go there.

One lady had a small duffel bag on her arm and a ratty comforter shoved in a canvas bag in her hand.  In the other hand she held a plastic bag containing food. This was probably all she had to her name. She asked me to help her get the lunch we provided into that plastic bag. When she opened it, I realized the food in the bag smelled horrible and had likely come from a dumpster.  I tell you this, not so you'll feel sorry for her, but so you'll remember to thank God for everything in your life. 

I don't know why the people there are 
homeless,  but I do know they all have a story and God loves them all. It's not our job to judge them, but to help them. James 2:15-16 says, "Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of  you says to them, 'Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,' but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?"

I intended to take pictures of my class living out this mission project today, but I got caught up in the need of others and forgot,  until the very end. As I was heading back to the bus I turned to take one last glance, and I saw this most humbling scene. Here are two men, from very different walks of life, bowing their heads together in prayer. My favorite part of this picture is you can't see either of their faces. I realized in that very moment God thought this was the only picture needed today. 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Though the Wind May Howl

It's been raining for a week and a half, the wind is howling , and roads and homes are flooding. It's a time of uncertainty because no one can control mother nature, and meterologists are not able to tell individuals exactly how the storm will affect them personally.  More often than not, storms can be unnerving.

I have several good friends who are going through a stormy time right now. They don't complain though, and they don't really talk about it. In fact,  most of the world probably doesn't even realize they are facing uncertain, hard, or sad times.  So many people we meet are facing battles we know nothing about. Maybe we need to slow down and notice the warning signs.

The worst part of having a friend going through a difficult season in life is there is nothing we can do to help. Or is there? James 5:26 says "...The prayers of a righteous person are powerful and effective." What if we quit fretting about the storms of life, and start praying about them?  Are you going through a difficult time right now, or do you have a friend who is caught in a storm? Pray for them.

This rain won't last forever.  One day soon, the sun will shine. In the meantime, let's pray for those who are in danger from this storm and for those who are battling the storms of life.