Sunday, October 25, 2015

That Wasn't Very Nice

This morning someone made a comment to me that really hurt my feelings. I took it in stride,  but once I walked away and found myself fighting off tears, I realized how much the comment really hurt me.

I think there are several stages we go through when we get our feelings hurt. This is how it looks for me. First there's the initial "I Can't Believe You Just Said That" phase. Next comes the "Why Would You Want To Hurt Me" phase. After that comes the " Maybe I'll Punch You in the Nose" phase. Finally comes the "Can You Believe She Said That Phase" where I try to suck a few people into being on my side.  At this point in the hurt, I am usually faced with a decision.  Am I going to hang on to it and let it fester, or am I going to turn the other cheek and forgive?

I'd love to be able to tell you I quickly let go of hurtful things,  but unfortunately I have a very unspiritual gift of holding on to things that hurt me or hurt those I love. I don't know why I do this. I know people who have the gift of mercy, but I don't.  I wish I did, because I know holding grudges is a terrible idea. It only makes people bitter, and I really don't want to be that girl!

Ephesians 4:31-32 says, "Get rid of all bitterness,  rage, and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other,  just as in Christ, God forgave you.

When I think about what God wants me to do, I realize my little phases may not be the most appropriate response. I may not always make the right decision,  but I know I have a God who loves me and forgives me when I make poor choices. Maybe one day soon, I'll stop getting my feelings hurt so easily. But for now, I'm just a work in progress!

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