I haven't had time to blog lately, because I've been too busy being negative. It really comes down to the age old question of whether the glass is half empty or half full. I'm probably more of the half empty type, but I prefer to think I'm just being realistic instead of negative. Let me give you an example.
Caroline has asthma. When I was in high school, I had a very good friend die from asthma. So the fact that my daughter battles this disease scares me a lot. Whenever it comes to her health, I always want to hear the best and worst case senario. I'm pretty sure it drives my doctor crazy, but he is patient with me. I don't assume the worst will happen every time, but I find it comforting to be prepared for any situation which may arise. So that's being real, not negative. Right?
Though this best/worse case scenario thing is great in some circumstances, I think it's probably very unhealthy to apply it to all areas of life. Matthew 6:27 says, "Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" I am by no means a bible scholar, but I'm pretty certain the answer to this question is NO! The rest of the passage goes on to explain how our heavenly Father knows our needs and will take care of us in every way.
This means there is no need to worry about anything. I don't have to waste time worrying a tornado will hit my house, when really God is just ushering in spring and watering the flowers with a thunderstorm. I don't need to worry that someone is going to get me or my girls because Target is letting men in the women's restroom. I'm pretty sure those crazy thoughts will always pop into my brain, but I certainly don't have to entertain them. After all, a glass half full brings much more satisfaction than a half empty one!
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