Sunday, May 1, 2016

A Splash of Joy: A Tribute to Aunt Naomi

Today we attended a celebration of life for Aunt Naomi, Troy's great aunt, who went to be with Jesus on Monday.  The service was beautiful, and the preacher did an exceptional job of capturing her spunk and love of life.

Aunt Naomi was Grandma Marie's sister, and you all know how much I loved that lady!  Marie and Naomi were a lot alike.  They were both very vocal,  extremely competitive, and always up for an adventure!

Once when Kathryn was a baby, Aunt Naomi put a spell on her. She came for a visit, and as she was leaving she said,  "Now Kathryn, you be a good baby girl and sleep through the night for your mama and daddy." Don't you know that was the first time Kathryn slept though the night?  She was only a couple of months old and she's been sleeping through the night ever since! I remember after Caroline was born I couldn't wait for Aunt Naomi to meet her because I was a tired mama, and I just knew Aunt Naomi could make her sleep.

I keep thinking how hard it must have been for the preacher to deliver the message today. He has known Aunt Naomi for a long time. They were on the same bowling league, and they played golf together.  Did I mention earlier she was competitive?  She loved to beat him and then brag about it. As the preacher said, "She was a hoot!" I hope when I'm 82 I am as active as she was!

He also said when she walked into the room, she brought the party with her. She certainly made an impact on people, which was evident by the huge number of family and friends who attended her service today. I heard her son say two of the nurses who cared for her came. I wonder if Aunt Naomi knew she made such an impact on those ladies.  Then again, I guess none of us truly understands how our words and actions affect another.

The Bray fam spent the ride home reminiscing about Aunt Naomi and Grandma Marie. Memories are a beautiful gift from God. Those two ladies taught us so much about life and love.

One day we will all meet our Maker, and we must be prepared to give an account for our actions. I'm not sure if Aunt Naomi can beat Jesus bowling, but I'm sure she will try!  I'm also sure when she entered Heaven He said, "Well done, good and faithful servant."

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