I spent most of the day working at the high school. I got to see the hustle and bustle of the seniors getting dressed up and snapping pictures with their friends. I got to see the smiles on their faces and hear the excitement in their voices as they prepared to board the school bus, most of them for their very last time.
Then I went to Lee-Jackson, and found a spot to watch the seniors march through the school. The halls were lined with small children eagerly anticipating the arrival of the seniors. They clapped, cheered, and chanted "MHS" as they waited. When the seniors finally arrived, the students cheered wildly and high-fived the graduates. There is just something so sweet about watching an event through the eyes of a child. But at the same time, I was watching the event unfold as a former teacher of many of the marching seniors. Memories flooded my mind, and I had to fight back tears as those babies walked past me, now all grown up and ready to make their way into the real world.
Next I walked to the middle school. The graduates were ahead of me, marching one step closer to their future. Pomp and Circumstance was blaring over the PA system, but over the music I could hear students talking about how "cool" such-and-such looked in the cap and gown. I also heard one student say, "That was awesome!" Though middle school kids view life very differently than the rest of the world, I couldn't agree more. It was an awesomely cool experience!
As quickly as they came, they exited the building and headed back to the high school to finish out their day. This was the first time this type of senior march was done in Mathews, and I know it won't be the last.
My story doesn't end here. I had to go back to MHS to finish up some work, so I got to see the seniors after the march. For some it wasn't a paricularly memorable time, because they didn't grow up in Mathews. But for those who did, I think it was a day they'll never forget. To walk the halls of the place that made them who they are was bittersweet, and to see teachers who loved them was a sentimental moment.
In a few short weeks, they will put on their caps and gowns for the very last time as they walk across the stage to get their diplomas. It is time for them to go. But no matter where life takes them, they will always be a part of the Mathews High School Class of 2016. Congratulations guys! Now go do great things!

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