Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Lessons from a Coconut

Recently my parents went to Florida, and they brought back some coconuts. While we were visiting them Sunday, we decided to crack one open. Mom had read/studied up on how to crack a coconut open, and she was convinced it would be no problem. All I can say is, however much you pay for coconut ANYTHING at the grocery store, it's totally worth it. Two hammers, an ax, and an hour later, we finally had the coconut open. If you know my dad at all, you can imagine the experience was quite entertaining for all of us. Here's what I learned: 1. The coconut you always see in the grocery store isn't even the real deal. The coconut that falls off the tree has a REALLY tough outer shell. It takes MAJOR tools to bust that sucker open. Once you get inside, the coconut like you see in the grocery store is secured in that outer shell by a bunch of tough, stringy, grassy looking stuff. Once you get the actual coconut out, you still have to break open it's shell to get to the coconut meat. Who knew???!!! 2. Sometimes,no matter how many YouTube videos you watch, you still cannot be fully prepared for life! 3. Real coconuts are not nearly as delicious as a Mounds candy bar!!! I think God is a lot like a coconut. As He thought about his people and their needs, He knew life was going to be really hard and we would need a lot of help. John 14:16-17 says, "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be be with you forever-the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you." I am amazed by the way God created coconuts so they have three layers of protection. I am also amazed at how God can be three in one: Father, Spirit, Son. I am thankful that just because I don't know everything about the way my God operates, and I cannot always see him, I can trust him because He protects me and loves me. I bet God thinks I am a lot like a coconut too. I bet He looks down at me and says "She's a tough nut to crack!"