Friday, November 23, 2018

The Day the Darkness Turned to Light

This fall Hurricane Florence ripped through the East Coast. It was a monster storm, bringing massive destruction and leaving many homeless. One area particularly hit hard, was Pender, North Carolina. Last weekend I had the opportunity to visit this tiny town. The destruction I witnessed, two months after the storm, was unlike anything I have ever seen. Though this powerful storm had the strength to rip away homes and uproot lives, it did not have the power to destroy the human spirit. It was a great reminder to me that love will always overcome evil. Everywhere my eyes looked, I saw condemned houses and heaps of rubble that represented what used to be a “normal” life for the people of this community. My initial instinct was to think all hope was lost. But when I looked deeper, and watched people who had lost everything, come together to help one another, it blew my mind. And when I watched complete strangers work hand-in-hand, it warmed my heart. We began our day in one of many houses that had been completely destroyed. The angry flood waters swept through the home, exceeding the first story and destroying everything in its path. All of the belongings were waterlogged, and black mold crept up the walls, leaving no area unscathed. Of course there was no electricity, making it impossible to see. Though it seemed like a small, insignificant job, the flashlight holder was a vital part of the team. The scene reminded me of John 1:5, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” Even though the flashlight was small, it gave off enough light to allow the volunteers to keep working. The dreary, saturated walls crumbled as the group went to work tearing down the memories and secrets this house once held. Little by little, we chipped away at the walls. Often we think of walls as protection, but these walls were almost taunting, threatening to snuff out any sense of hope left in these people who have suffered so much. But just when it seemed impossible, one team member busted completely through, causing part of the wall to crumble and fall. Light flooded the room and applause broke out among the team. In John 8:12, Jesus tells us, “...I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” This storm may have robbed the people of their belongings, and Satan may have tried to swoop in to discourage them, but when you have the light of Christ in your life, NOTHING can steal your hope and your joy. Sometimes it takes a major shakeup to wake us up and remind us that no matter what happens, God is still in control. Not only is He the light, but He loves us so much that sometimes He lets us be the light for others. I am forever changed by the love and resilience I saw in the people of Pender. What would happen if we all decided to shine God’s light in this dark world? I challenge you to give it a try!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I Love You More Than a Lawn Mower

Today is Valentine's Day. I have to tell you, in the Bray house, we do not celebrate Valentine's Day. I have no problem with people who do, it's just not our thing. Now that I am no longer in the classroom, I honestly didn't give any thought to it being Valentine's Day today. At least not until Troy reminded me. He left home at the crack of dawn this morning, so there was very little conversation between the two of us. About an hour after he left, I got a text that said, "I love you more than a lawn mower!" It was the funniest thing to me, because Troy manages a John Deere store, and we talk about lawn mowers a lot! Also, when we were first married, we had a big 'ol fight about a lawn mower, and I held a grudge (which was SO wrong) for a REALLY long time!! He affectionately calls me a lawn mower killer (which probably doesn't need any explanation.) So the fact that he told he me loved me more than a lawn mower was very touching to me at 6:00 this morning. And I'm pretty sure when he retires from selling lawn mowers, he'll probably write greeting cards for Hallmark!! Here is my point. We have holidays to commemorate certain events. Valentine's Day is to show love. Christmas is to celebrate the birth of our Savior. Easter is to celebrate our Savior's Resurrection. But what if we celebrated our Savior and His great love for us EVERY day? What if we celebrated love, and truly loved our neighbor EVERY day? I challenge you to make every day Valentine's Day. Tell those closest to you that you love them, but also show all those who cross your path the love of Christ. If we all shine God's light in this dark world, it really will make a difference. Let's show the world what it looks like to love them more than a lawn mower!

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Stable Crew

The sign out in front of Mathews Chapel says "Are you part of the inn crowd or the stable crew?" When I take a moment to really ponder this question, I am amazed at the many different meanings of this question, and the play on words is uncanny. The world pushes us to desire to be a part of the "inn crowd." The "inn crowd" seems glamorous, fun, and appealing. But the "inn crowd" doesnt' have room for everyone. If we are not extremely careful and on guard, we find ourselves willing to compromise our beliefs and values just to be accepted by this "inn crowd." We live in a dark world, and so many things take our attention away from our true mission, which is glorifying God. Think about the original "stable crew." No one ever would have imagined that the King of Kings would have been born in a lowly stable, yet that is exactly how God chose to bring his Son into the world. When we think about the Christmas story, it's easy to say we want to be a part of the "stable crew." But what about the other days of the year? Being part of the "stable crew" requires service and sacrifice, but it's so worth it. 1 Peter 4:11 says, "If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen." So during the Christmas season, and every other day of the year, let's strive to be a part of the "stable crew." And when we find ourselves getting wound up and a little stressed out because of the holiday busyness, a little dose of "stable" will go a long way!

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Half Empty

I don't know about you, but I have always been the kind of girl who likes to know the best and worst case scenario for every situation. I'm pretty certain I get this trait from my dad. Mom gets on us all the time for it, saying we are always being negative and thinking of the worst. She says we are "the glass is half empty" kind of people. We always justify this best/worst case mentality by claiming it makes us prepared in every situation. If the best scenario happens, we can rejoice! But if the worst scenario happens, we will not be totally devastated, but instead we will be prepared to handle the situation. But if I am 100% honest with you, it would probably be way more accurate to say I am a worrier. I don't want to brag or anything, but I am a really GOOD worrier! I know this is not healthy, and it is something I constantly have to keep in check. I know when I worry about things, it says I am not fully trusting God in the situation, and I certainly don't want to be THAT girl! I do trust God, and I know His plans for me are good. God offers us advice on this situation. In multiple places in the bible. Matthew 6:25-36 is that whole passage about worry that ends, "Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own."There's the one in Philippians 4:4-7 reminding us not to be anxious about anything. If you Google "What scripture talks about worry?" you will get many, many scriptures to address the topic. If you, too, are a worrier, it would be wise to Google and then pour over scriptures about worry. It will definitely encourage your heart, and who knows, it may even help you see the glass as half full. Here is a piece of good news, in case you are a "glass is half empty" thinker. I heard this quote in a Hallmark movie once, and I think it is very fitting: Somebody has to see the glass half empty, or else we'd run out of milk! Happy Wednesday, my friends. I hope your cup is mostly full, but in case it's not, turn your worry over to Jesus and allow Him to fill up your cup.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

The Journey Toward Graduation

It's very difficult for me to put words to a page as I sit here with tears streaming down my face. In a few short hours, my sweet, beautiful Kathryn will be waking across the stage of her high school auditorium and closing this chapter of her life. What a strange mix of emotions graduation is for the mama. My other mama friends, who walked this road ahead of me, warned me about how difficult this day would be. It's not that I didn't believe them, but like child birth, it's not really something you can fully understand until you live it for yourself. At the start of Kathryn's senior year, I had this overwhelming realization this was my last chance to be the mama. I needed to be sure I had taught her everything she needed to know. I realize I will always be the mama and will continue to teach her things, but in a few weeks she will be living on her own. My role as the mama will look very different. So I prayed and asked God to help me be sure Troy and I had done all we could to prepare her to enter the world on her own. Although I really meant, "make all my teaching opportunities happy and amazing," God had a different plan in mind! Kathryn had some crazy things happen to her this year, and most of the world doesn't even know about them. None of the things she experienced were earth-shattering, but most were things no 17 year old should have on their plate. While it was heartbreaking to watch her deal with some of the things thrown at her, it was also very beautiful. You see, that is how God answered my prayer. There were a few life experiences Kathryn needed to have before she left home. So God, in His infinite wisdom, provided her with some difficulty. But in His great love for her, He also surrounded her with the very best people to support her, love her, and give her wisdom. Kathryn has been blessed the past 17 years with amazing friends, and amazing adult role models. To the family, friends, church family, and teachers who have poured into her life, I say "thank you," because she wouldn't be where she is today without each of you. To Kathryn Grace I say, "Congratulations!" I couldn't be more proud of you. You have always been determined and courageous. It has been a joy to watch you grow. Continue to pursue your dreams with your whole heart. Whenever you find yourself in a difficult situation, search out the people God has placed in your path, and walk humbly with God by your side. As Grammy used to tell you, "Your Mama is your very best friend!" So as you stand on that stage today and deliver your valedictorian speech, know I am sitting in the audience (maybe crying a smidge) cheering for you. Treasure the moments as you walk across the stage to receive your diploma, for that walk symbolizes walking away from your past and into your future. God has great things in store for you, and you are ready. Fly high my sweet girl!

Friday, May 26, 2017

Sorry, Wrong Number!

Would you ever call someone who had just done something that got on your nerves and just rip them apart? Probably not. Chances are, if you found yourself in an irritating situation, you may vent to someone you are close to before you actually confront the person who aggravated you. A good friend of mine recently told a story about receiving a phone call from a lady she knew. When she answered the phone, she could hear yelling on the other end of the line. It took a few minutes to realize what was happening, but eventually she realized the lady had called her accidentally. The lady on the other end of the line was yelling and saying really ugly things about my friend, clearly not aware my friend was listening on the other end. YIKES! How awkward! I don't know if the lady realized what she'd done and hung up, or if they just got disconnected, but either way, the damage was done. I was very bothered by this story. I found myself "accidentally" judging the woman for her actions. How wrong of her to be saying those things at all, much less into a phone that was relaying all that ugliness to my friend. But then God reminded me how often I had done the very same thing. Maybe I didn't accidentally call the person on the phone, or maybe I did, but either way, I often vent about other people and say things about them I shouldn't say. I'm sure most people are in the same boat as me, but they doesn't make it right. No one is perfect, and heaven knows living on this Earth with aggravating people is certainly a challenge. Ephesians 4:29 says, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." So to my friend I say, "I am sorry her words hurt you. I am sorry she was tearing you down when your heart was in the right place and you were doing the right thing." To myself I say, "Stop judging others, and guard your words. If you are saying something about someone you wouldn't say to their face, then you shouldn't be saying it at all." Think how different this world could be if we all decided to stop bad mouthing one another.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Lessons from a Coconut

Recently my parents went to Florida, and they brought back some coconuts. While we were visiting them Sunday, we decided to crack one open. Mom had read/studied up on how to crack a coconut open, and she was convinced it would be no problem. All I can say is, however much you pay for coconut ANYTHING at the grocery store, it's totally worth it. Two hammers, an ax, and an hour later, we finally had the coconut open. If you know my dad at all, you can imagine the experience was quite entertaining for all of us. Here's what I learned: 1. The coconut you always see in the grocery store isn't even the real deal. The coconut that falls off the tree has a REALLY tough outer shell. It takes MAJOR tools to bust that sucker open. Once you get inside, the coconut like you see in the grocery store is secured in that outer shell by a bunch of tough, stringy, grassy looking stuff. Once you get the actual coconut out, you still have to break open it's shell to get to the coconut meat. Who knew???!!! 2. Sometimes,no matter how many YouTube videos you watch, you still cannot be fully prepared for life! 3. Real coconuts are not nearly as delicious as a Mounds candy bar!!! I think God is a lot like a coconut. As He thought about his people and their needs, He knew life was going to be really hard and we would need a lot of help. John 14:16-17 says, "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be be with you forever-the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you." I am amazed by the way God created coconuts so they have three layers of protection. I am also amazed at how God can be three in one: Father, Spirit, Son. I am thankful that just because I don't know everything about the way my God operates, and I cannot always see him, I can trust him because He protects me and loves me. I bet God thinks I am a lot like a coconut too. I bet He looks down at me and says "She's a tough nut to crack!"