Lately I've been thinking a lot about this business of friendship. I love how God brings friends to us just when we need them the most. Sometimes we remain friends forever, and other times the friendship is just for a season. But what qualities should we look for in a friend?
Often we put too much pressure on our friends, which is so unfair and can leave us feeling disappointed. So how do we avoid being disappointed in our friends? I think the answer is to keep God at the center of every friendship. Everyone knows what a friend is, but maybe we should talk about what a friend is not.
1. A friend is not someone who is always there for you. I mean think about it. I don't know about you, but I am a needy girl. It's not fair for me to expect my friends to always be there. Always is a very big word. The only person I know who is ALWAYS there for us is God.
2. A friend is not someone who always supports what we do. We're all human, and sometimes we really mess things up. I would much rather have a truthful friend, who calls me out when I'm wrong, than one who is always justifying my actions. I want a friend who holds me accountable and pushes me to be more like Jesus.
3. A friend is not someone who always says, "Everything is going to be fine." Life is hard, and it brings all kinds of struggles. Some situations are just not "fine." A true friend directs our attention back to God, encouraging us to lean on Him instead of getting through struggles leaning solely on our friends.
So as you travel this path of life, be sure to thank God for the friends He has placed in your life. But also remember to put your hope in God, not in your friends. Isaiah 40:31 says, "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Fa-la-la Choir Crashers
First thing this morning, while running around Christmas shopping, we saw some Christmas carolers outside of a busy shopping center. As we dashed in and out of stores, we kept commenting on how fun it was for them to be spreading Christmas cheer!
As we prepared to move on, I had the sudden urge to join the carolers. Kathryn, however, was not quite as eager. I think her words went something like this. "Mom, you cannot just join a choir of random strangers and start singing with them. Who does that?" After 16 years of living with me, she's gotten pretty used to my shenanigans. So after some major convincing, we finally got out of the car, joined the choir, and started singing. Everyone was very welcoming, and the choir director's face was priceless when he discovered the newbies singing Silent Night with his regulars!
I don't know if we spread Christmas cheer to anyone else, but we sure did have an amazing time. It was a fun adventure, and I'll always be thankful we took a risk and joined the choir, even if it was only for one song.
Here's the lesson I learned today. Life is an adventure, so don't drive away! Be crazy and join a choir. Who knows, maybe they were a choir of angels. Merry Christmas, everyone!
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Grocery Store Score
I had to run to the grocery store this afternoon, which is really not my favorite chore. But today, it was awesome! Do you know why? Every few steps I ran into someone I hadn't seen in a really long time. It was so much fun! I was in the store for an hour chatting it up with old friends and former students.
Ephesians 3:20 says, "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us," All I wanted to do was get in and out of the grocery store in a quick hurry without spending a fortune. But God had much bigger plans for me today! I got to share a bunch of hugs and smiles, which turned the dreadful grocery shopping chore into a major score!
Ephesians 3:20 says, "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us," All I wanted to do was get in and out of the grocery store in a quick hurry without spending a fortune. But God had much bigger plans for me today! I got to share a bunch of hugs and smiles, which turned the dreadful grocery shopping chore into a major score!
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Excuse Me, Do You Have Any Jumper Cables I Could Borrow?
When I got ready to come home yesterday, the car wouldn't start. I don't mean it barely turned over, I mean it wouldn't even make a pop! So I did the only thing there was to do; I called Troy in a panic! This idea turned out to be not so helpful, since I was in Richmond and Troy was in Williamsburg.
After I finished whining to him, I put on my big girl panties and went looking for help. Here's how it went down. I was able to find two girls to help me. One girl had no jumper cables, but she knew how to use them. The other girl had jumper cables, but she didn't know how to use them. But that, my friends, was the winning combination.
The girl "in the know" set to work right away, only to discover she couldn't open the hood on either car. We had no worries, though, because I knew how to do that job! In no time at all (actually it took a really long time), I was off and running!
I suppose there are many ways to view this story. Some people may even choose to judge me because I couldn't take care of this little problem myself. But here's what I think about it. God puts people in our path just when we need them. He doesn't intend for us to do everything alone. God wants us to work together and help each other out. These girls were precious, and we actually laughed right hard at ourselves trying to jump start this car in the rain.
I also think as we travel through life, we need to remember it's o.k. not to know everything. We need to stop putting so much pressure on ourselves. If you know a little something, and you put your trust in God, you're going to be alright. These girls went out of their way to help a total stranger, and that my friends, is a great lesson.
The girl "in the know" set to work right away, only to discover she couldn't open the hood on either car. We had no worries, though, because I knew how to do that job! In no time at all (actually it took a really long time), I was off and running!
I suppose there are many ways to view this story. Some people may even choose to judge me because I couldn't take care of this little problem myself. But here's what I think about it. God puts people in our path just when we need them. He doesn't intend for us to do everything alone. God wants us to work together and help each other out. These girls were precious, and we actually laughed right hard at ourselves trying to jump start this car in the rain.
I also think as we travel through life, we need to remember it's o.k. not to know everything. We need to stop putting so much pressure on ourselves. If you know a little something, and you put your trust in God, you're going to be alright. These girls went out of their way to help a total stranger, and that my friends, is a great lesson.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
That Wasn't Very Nice
This morning someone made a comment to me that really hurt my feelings. I took it in stride, but once I walked away and found myself fighting off tears, I realized how much the comment really hurt me.
I think there are several stages we go through when we get our feelings hurt. This is how it looks for me. First there's the initial "I Can't Believe You Just Said That" phase. Next comes the "Why Would You Want To Hurt Me" phase. After that comes the " Maybe I'll Punch You in the Nose" phase. Finally comes the "Can You Believe She Said That Phase" where I try to suck a few people into being on my side. At this point in the hurt, I am usually faced with a decision. Am I going to hang on to it and let it fester, or am I going to turn the other cheek and forgive?
I'd love to be able to tell you I quickly let go of hurtful things, but unfortunately I have a very unspiritual gift of holding on to things that hurt me or hurt those I love. I don't know why I do this. I know people who have the gift of mercy, but I don't. I wish I did, because I know holding grudges is a terrible idea. It only makes people bitter, and I really don't want to be that girl!
Ephesians 4:31-32 says, "Get rid of all bitterness, rage, and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you.
When I think about what God wants me to do, I realize my little phases may not be the most appropriate response. I may not always make the right decision, but I know I have a God who loves me and forgives me when I make poor choices. Maybe one day soon, I'll stop getting my feelings hurt so easily. But for now, I'm just a work in progress!
I think there are several stages we go through when we get our feelings hurt. This is how it looks for me. First there's the initial "I Can't Believe You Just Said That" phase. Next comes the "Why Would You Want To Hurt Me" phase. After that comes the " Maybe I'll Punch You in the Nose" phase. Finally comes the "Can You Believe She Said That Phase" where I try to suck a few people into being on my side. At this point in the hurt, I am usually faced with a decision. Am I going to hang on to it and let it fester, or am I going to turn the other cheek and forgive?
I'd love to be able to tell you I quickly let go of hurtful things, but unfortunately I have a very unspiritual gift of holding on to things that hurt me or hurt those I love. I don't know why I do this. I know people who have the gift of mercy, but I don't. I wish I did, because I know holding grudges is a terrible idea. It only makes people bitter, and I really don't want to be that girl!
Ephesians 4:31-32 says, "Get rid of all bitterness, rage, and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you.
When I think about what God wants me to do, I realize my little phases may not be the most appropriate response. I may not always make the right decision, but I know I have a God who loves me and forgives me when I make poor choices. Maybe one day soon, I'll stop getting my feelings hurt so easily. But for now, I'm just a work in progress!
Sunday, October 18, 2015
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Today I was blessed with the opportunity to give out lunches to the homeless in Monroe Park. I really can't put into words what it's like to experience this. It's a life-changing experience that rocks me to my core every time I go there.
One lady had a small duffel bag on her arm and a ratty comforter shoved in a canvas bag in her hand. In the other hand she held a plastic bag containing food. This was probably all she had to her name. She asked me to help her get the lunch we provided into that plastic bag. When she opened it, I realized the food in the bag smelled horrible and had likely come from a dumpster. I tell you this, not so you'll feel sorry for her, but so you'll remember to thank God for everything in your life.
I don't know why the people there are
homeless, but I do know they all have a story and God loves them all. It's not our job to judge them, but to help them. James 2:15-16 says, "Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, 'Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,' but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?"
I intended to take pictures of my class living out this mission project today, but I got caught up in the need of others and forgot, until the very end. As I was heading back to the bus I turned to take one last glance, and I saw this most humbling scene. Here are two men, from very different walks of life, bowing their heads together in prayer. My favorite part of this picture is you can't see either of their faces. I realized in that very moment God thought this was the only picture needed today.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Though the Wind May Howl
It's been raining for a week and a half, the wind is howling , and roads and homes are flooding. It's a time of uncertainty because no one can control mother nature, and meterologists are not able to tell individuals exactly how the storm will affect them personally. More often than not, storms can be unnerving.
I have several good friends who are going through a stormy time right now. They don't complain though, and they don't really talk about it. In fact, most of the world probably doesn't even realize they are facing uncertain, hard, or sad times. So many people we meet are facing battles we know nothing about. Maybe we need to slow down and notice the warning signs.
The worst part of having a friend going through a difficult season in life is there is nothing we can do to help. Or is there? James 5:26 says "...The prayers of a righteous person are powerful and effective." What if we quit fretting about the storms of life, and start praying about them? Are you going through a difficult time right now, or do you have a friend who is caught in a storm? Pray for them.
This rain won't last forever. One day soon, the sun will shine. In the meantime, let's pray for those who are in danger from this storm and for those who are battling the storms of life.
I have several good friends who are going through a stormy time right now. They don't complain though, and they don't really talk about it. In fact, most of the world probably doesn't even realize they are facing uncertain, hard, or sad times. So many people we meet are facing battles we know nothing about. Maybe we need to slow down and notice the warning signs.
The worst part of having a friend going through a difficult season in life is there is nothing we can do to help. Or is there? James 5:26 says "...The prayers of a righteous person are powerful and effective." What if we quit fretting about the storms of life, and start praying about them? Are you going through a difficult time right now, or do you have a friend who is caught in a storm? Pray for them.
This rain won't last forever. One day soon, the sun will shine. In the meantime, let's pray for those who are in danger from this storm and for those who are battling the storms of life.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
The Grass is Always Greener
The other day I saw a goat trying to get the grass on the outside of his fence. He was almost flat on his belly, and his neck was stretched and strained. It was a sight, and must have been quit uncomfortable for him.
I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Soon his owner would come out to feed him, and the meal would probably be way more delicious and healthy for him. He shouldn't have been reaching for what he couldn't have-that which wasn't meant for him.
Sometimes we are like that. We think we know what's best, and we do everything in our power to make it happen. If we would just wait and be patient, we may find God has something better in store for us.
Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Are you patiently trusting and waiting on God today, or are you desperately trying to get to the grass on the other side of the fence? Spend your time in God's word, seeking His will, and then the grass will be greener on your side of the fence!
I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Soon his owner would come out to feed him, and the meal would probably be way more delicious and healthy for him. He shouldn't have been reaching for what he couldn't have-that which wasn't meant for him.
Sometimes we are like that. We think we know what's best, and we do everything in our power to make it happen. If we would just wait and be patient, we may find God has something better in store for us.
Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Are you patiently trusting and waiting on God today, or are you desperately trying to get to the grass on the other side of the fence? Spend your time in God's word, seeking His will, and then the grass will be greener on your side of the fence!
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Ready, Set, Smile!
Do you ever have the kind of day where you just don't feel like smiling? It doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong, although sometimes it does. There could be many reasons why a person doesn't smile.
I think it's important not to equate a smile with happiness. Unless they choose to tell us, we often have no idea what another person is dealing with in life. In the same way we shouldn't assume someone who isn't smiling is feeling miserable.
Caroline has an interesting theory about smiles. Whenever we go through the toll plaza, she says, "Smile for the camera!" She claims people get big breaks going through toll booths, and that's how millions of famous people get discovered. The Bray fam always smiles (and giggles) when we cross the Coleman Bridge and head back into Gloucester.
It's highly unlike my toll booth smile will make me famous, but it does have the potential to turn a person's day around.
What if God uses our smiles to bring a ray of hope to others? I don't want to miss that opportunity. So next time you head home from across the river, SMILE! Because you never know who's watching!
I think it's important not to equate a smile with happiness. Unless they choose to tell us, we often have no idea what another person is dealing with in life. In the same way we shouldn't assume someone who isn't smiling is feeling miserable.
Caroline has an interesting theory about smiles. Whenever we go through the toll plaza, she says, "Smile for the camera!" She claims people get big breaks going through toll booths, and that's how millions of famous people get discovered. The Bray fam always smiles (and giggles) when we cross the Coleman Bridge and head back into Gloucester.
It's highly unlike my toll booth smile will make me famous, but it does have the potential to turn a person's day around.
What if God uses our smiles to bring a ray of hope to others? I don't want to miss that opportunity. So next time you head home from across the river, SMILE! Because you never know who's watching!
Monday, September 28, 2015
Wait! Should I Turn Left or Right?
Recently I took a trip to Charlottesville for work. My family was legitimately concerned they would never see me again. And with good reason. I can't even go to Williamsburg without getting lost. Everyone cracks jokes about it, but for those of you who are directionally challegned, you totally get what I'm saying. I can get a GPS so confused, it can't even get me back on track.
I wonder what God thinks when we get off the path He intends for us. Psalm 32:8 says, "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you." What a blessing to know that when I lose my way in life, I have a God who watches over me. Whenever I don't know what to do or where to go, He's there to guide me.
I am an expert at getting lost, and over the years I have never been able to find a GPS that I can't confuse. But I know my God is never confused. He wants me to follow Him. If I allow Him to be my GPS, I may not always know where I am, but I know I will get there soon!
I wonder what God thinks when we get off the path He intends for us. Psalm 32:8 says, "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you." What a blessing to know that when I lose my way in life, I have a God who watches over me. Whenever I don't know what to do or where to go, He's there to guide me.
I am an expert at getting lost, and over the years I have never been able to find a GPS that I can't confuse. But I know my God is never confused. He wants me to follow Him. If I allow Him to be my GPS, I may not always know where I am, but I know I will get there soon!
Monday, September 7, 2015
To My Educator Friends: Tomorrow is a New Day
Tomorrow is the first day of school. What an exciting time! For many, it's a fresh start and a new beginning. It's always sad to let go of summer, but it's also exhilarating to get started on the exciting adventures a new year will bring.
This year is different for me. For the first time in 20 years, I will not be starting with a new class of students. My girls are worried that I'm going to be sad tomorrow, and I will admit, there may be a little truth to that. But I am determined to make the most of the new opportunities I have been given.
Last week at Open House, one of my second graders from last year came looking for me. She said she just needed to know where I was in case she needed me. Though she warmed my heart, she also reminded me of the huge impact educators have on students.
You will not find me in a classroom tomorrow, but you will definitely see me at Lee-Jackson Elementary School, Thomas Hunter Middle School, and Mathews High School. I will be welcoming students to a new school year, but in a different capacity. Change is good, and I'm excited for the opportunities I have been given.
So to all my educator friends, remember this: What you do matters. You have a major role in the lives of our children. Embrace the promises this new school year brings, work hard, love hard, and may each of you have an amazing day tomorrow.
This year is different for me. For the first time in 20 years, I will not be starting with a new class of students. My girls are worried that I'm going to be sad tomorrow, and I will admit, there may be a little truth to that. But I am determined to make the most of the new opportunities I have been given.
Last week at Open House, one of my second graders from last year came looking for me. She said she just needed to know where I was in case she needed me. Though she warmed my heart, she also reminded me of the huge impact educators have on students.
You will not find me in a classroom tomorrow, but you will definitely see me at Lee-Jackson Elementary School, Thomas Hunter Middle School, and Mathews High School. I will be welcoming students to a new school year, but in a different capacity. Change is good, and I'm excited for the opportunities I have been given.
So to all my educator friends, remember this: What you do matters. You have a major role in the lives of our children. Embrace the promises this new school year brings, work hard, love hard, and may each of you have an amazing day tomorrow.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Life Almost Over
Have you ever heard someone say they are just about dead? I say it sometimes, but what does it even mean? Today when I went to grab a paper off the copy machine, there was a message flashing across it saying, "Life almost over." Normally a message like this would have flipped me out, but my predecessor had warned me this could happen. Instead of panicking and planning a copy machine funeral, I knew I needed to order more toner.
Toner is a product that helps copy machines run better. Apparently when the machine runs out of toner, it will die. The great news for the copy machine is that when toner is added, life can resume as normal.
What about us? Do you ever feel tired, exasperated, or worn out? Do you feel like you need to flash a message to the world saying "Life Almost Over?" You don't need toner, but you do need some Jesus to keep you going.
Paul tells us in Ephesians 4:22-24, "You were taught with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by it's deceitful desires, to be made new in the attitude of your minds, and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness."
So stop acting like you're half dead. Fill up on God's word, let go of your old ways, and allow Jesus to work in your life. Before you know it, you won't even feel like "Life is Almost Over" instead you'll be ready to roll!
Toner is a product that helps copy machines run better. Apparently when the machine runs out of toner, it will die. The great news for the copy machine is that when toner is added, life can resume as normal.
What about us? Do you ever feel tired, exasperated, or worn out? Do you feel like you need to flash a message to the world saying "Life Almost Over?" You don't need toner, but you do need some Jesus to keep you going.
Paul tells us in Ephesians 4:22-24, "You were taught with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by it's deceitful desires, to be made new in the attitude of your minds, and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness."
So stop acting like you're half dead. Fill up on God's word, let go of your old ways, and allow Jesus to work in your life. Before you know it, you won't even feel like "Life is Almost Over" instead you'll be ready to roll!
Monday, August 24, 2015
Never Share Your Dessert
If you know me at all, you know I don't ever share my dessert. I don't mean it in an ugly way. I just really, really like dessert. I will get you your own, or even make a dessert for you. But please don't ask for mine. I am very upfront and honest about this. People often think I'm joking, but I am really not. Ask my truest friends, and they will tell you it's a fact.
After we finished dinner tonight, I asked who wanted dessert. Kathryn said she didn't want dessert because she was too full. In my opinion, this is just crazy talk. Wanting dessert has nothing to do with being full. I don't care how full I feel, I ALWAYS have room for dessert. And no, you may not have a bite. Trust me, there isn't enough for you!
As I was pondering what in the world could be wrong with my child, I realized maybe I need to be as passionate about my faith as I am about dessert. What would happen if I spent the amount of time sharing God's word that I do talking or thinking about dessert? Psalm 119:103 says, "How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth." God's word is good, so why do I often hold back in sharing it with others? I am working on this, and I'm thankful for good friends in my life who challenge me to do better.
So the next time someone asks me for a bite of my dessert, I will probably say no. But just maybe I will take the opportunity to share God's word with them. And MAYBE I'll offer them a bite of my dessert too. Or maybe not. After all, I am a work in progress!
So the next time someone asks me for a bite of my dessert, I will probably say no. But just maybe I will take the opportunity to share God's word with them. And MAYBE I'll offer them a bite of my dessert too. Or maybe not. After all, I am a work in progress!
Saturday, August 22, 2015
One Click Away
As most of you know, I started a new job a few weeks ago. While I absolutely love the job, there are often times during the day when I need to ask for help. This is hard for me because I prefer to be in a position where I help others. It puts me out of my comfort zone to be the one who needs help.
Although I'm not a fan of asking for help, here's what I have discovered. Everyone is more than willing and happy to help me. It was a great idea for God to give us coworkers and friends to help us discover that if we just keep clicking, or keep trying, we can usually find the answer.
I have adopted a motto at work, and I feel like I say it one million times a day. "The answer is just one click away." It's almost always true, but I have to be willing to keep clicking to search for the answer.
It would serve me well to apply this motto to my life outside of work as well. I know I need God to help me navigate through all aspects of my life. Sometimes that means I need to read my bible or pray, but other times it means I just need to sit still and put myself in a position to hear from God.
What do you need help with today? Psalm 121:1-2 says, "I lift my eyes to the mountains- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." Everyone needs help, and God is ready and willing to guide our footsteps and direct our path.
So remember, no matter what's going on in your life, God is only one click away, or one prayer away, or one page away in our bible. Don't miss out on His wisdom or His blessings because you were too uncomfortable to ask.
Also don't miss out on helping those around you. You may be the only person who has the ability to make a difference for that person. Be the click for someone today, but also allow God to be the click for you. It will just make the world a better place.
Although I'm not a fan of asking for help, here's what I have discovered. Everyone is more than willing and happy to help me. It was a great idea for God to give us coworkers and friends to help us discover that if we just keep clicking, or keep trying, we can usually find the answer.
I have adopted a motto at work, and I feel like I say it one million times a day. "The answer is just one click away." It's almost always true, but I have to be willing to keep clicking to search for the answer.
It would serve me well to apply this motto to my life outside of work as well. I know I need God to help me navigate through all aspects of my life. Sometimes that means I need to read my bible or pray, but other times it means I just need to sit still and put myself in a position to hear from God.
What do you need help with today? Psalm 121:1-2 says, "I lift my eyes to the mountains- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." Everyone needs help, and God is ready and willing to guide our footsteps and direct our path.
So remember, no matter what's going on in your life, God is only one click away, or one prayer away, or one page away in our bible. Don't miss out on His wisdom or His blessings because you were too uncomfortable to ask.
Also don't miss out on helping those around you. You may be the only person who has the ability to make a difference for that person. Be the click for someone today, but also allow God to be the click for you. It will just make the world a better place.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Is Something Burning?
We had some excitement in the hood the other day. Kathryn came home and said a branch had fallen on a power line and it was smoking. The Bray girls sprung into action and went to check out the situation. When we arrived on the scene, our neighbor had already called the fire department and was anxiously awaiting their arrival.
Here's how it all went down. A small tree had uprooted and fallen on the power line. It was sizzling and popping and smoking. Sparks were flying, and we just knew any second the whole thing was going to burst into flames.
Just as we heard the fire truck coming, the tree fell again and landed on the bottom line, which is a neutral line. (Who knew???) And just like that, the whole thing was over. No more sparks. The fire truck turned around and went home, as did all the neighbors who had stopped to watch the scene unfold.
Matthew 5:16 says:
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
The tree incident turned out to be uneventful, which, as far as trees are concerned, is a good thing. I am happy the tree didn't ignite into flames. But what about my own life? If I don't stay rooted in God's word, I may start to topple over. There may be a time when I spark, but without Jesus Christ as my main power souce, I will simply crackle, pop, and then fizzle out. I don't want to smolder, I want to be on fire for God.
What about you? Are you plugged in to the right Power Source? They say, "It only takes a spark to get a fire going." Shine your Light so others may see you burn for God.
Here's how it all went down. A small tree had uprooted and fallen on the power line. It was sizzling and popping and smoking. Sparks were flying, and we just knew any second the whole thing was going to burst into flames.
Just as we heard the fire truck coming, the tree fell again and landed on the bottom line, which is a neutral line. (Who knew???) And just like that, the whole thing was over. No more sparks. The fire truck turned around and went home, as did all the neighbors who had stopped to watch the scene unfold.
Matthew 5:16 says:
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
The tree incident turned out to be uneventful, which, as far as trees are concerned, is a good thing. I am happy the tree didn't ignite into flames. But what about my own life? If I don't stay rooted in God's word, I may start to topple over. There may be a time when I spark, but without Jesus Christ as my main power souce, I will simply crackle, pop, and then fizzle out. I don't want to smolder, I want to be on fire for God.
What about you? Are you plugged in to the right Power Source? They say, "It only takes a spark to get a fire going." Shine your Light so others may see you burn for God.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Waiting for the Flowers to Bloom
Did you know it's sunflower season? I always marvel when I see the beauty and splendor of sunflowers dancing in the breeze.
When Troy and I first got married and started our home, we made multiple attempts to grow sunflowers. Every year we would prepare the perfect patch for them, and every year we would have a gully wash of rain the day we planted. The tiny seeds were always carried away from their perfect patch to some unknown destination.
Sometimes life seems like those washed away sunflowers. We have this grand picture in our head of how life will unfold. But every once in a while, no matter how hard we try, we find our life on a different path than we imagined. Many times the path is beautiful, but other times the path is difficult. Sometimes the rains of life beat down on us. It shakes us loose from our comfort zone and maybe even changes our location. We may even feel like we are being carried away by life's torrential downpours.
Two years ago, we made a new flower bed in my backyard. We planted some iris bulbs a friend had given us, and we hung a bird feeder. Until the other day, I had decided hanging a bird feeder in a flower bed is a terrible idea, because the birds are not very careful, and they often drop seed everywhere. This results in an enormous amount of weeds growing in the bed.
God changed my mind though, because I found a welcomed, unexpected surprise among those weeds. My heart soared when I discovered a beautiful sunflower growing voluntarily in that bed. My brain immediately started thinking about how my life was very much like the sunflower before me. What I thought had been missed opportunities in my life, were really just God's way of taking care of me because He had something better in store for me. And what about those sunflowers that got washed away all those years ago? I am sure they brought beauty and joy wherever God sprouted them.
Are you struggling with something right now? Does it seem like God is saying no to things or shutting doors for you when you feel like you want to walk through those doors? Maybe He's not really saying, "No." Maybe, like my sunflowers, He's saying, "Not yet." Jeremiah 29:11 says: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
So remember this: God always has us right where He wants us. We just need to trust Him and know His ways are best. Sometimes it will rain, but many, many days the sun will shine. So always remember to bloom where you are planted.
When Troy and I first got married and started our home, we made multiple attempts to grow sunflowers. Every year we would prepare the perfect patch for them, and every year we would have a gully wash of rain the day we planted. The tiny seeds were always carried away from their perfect patch to some unknown destination.
Sometimes life seems like those washed away sunflowers. We have this grand picture in our head of how life will unfold. But every once in a while, no matter how hard we try, we find our life on a different path than we imagined. Many times the path is beautiful, but other times the path is difficult. Sometimes the rains of life beat down on us. It shakes us loose from our comfort zone and maybe even changes our location. We may even feel like we are being carried away by life's torrential downpours.
Two years ago, we made a new flower bed in my backyard. We planted some iris bulbs a friend had given us, and we hung a bird feeder. Until the other day, I had decided hanging a bird feeder in a flower bed is a terrible idea, because the birds are not very careful, and they often drop seed everywhere. This results in an enormous amount of weeds growing in the bed.
God changed my mind though, because I found a welcomed, unexpected surprise among those weeds. My heart soared when I discovered a beautiful sunflower growing voluntarily in that bed. My brain immediately started thinking about how my life was very much like the sunflower before me. What I thought had been missed opportunities in my life, were really just God's way of taking care of me because He had something better in store for me. And what about those sunflowers that got washed away all those years ago? I am sure they brought beauty and joy wherever God sprouted them.
Are you struggling with something right now? Does it seem like God is saying no to things or shutting doors for you when you feel like you want to walk through those doors? Maybe He's not really saying, "No." Maybe, like my sunflowers, He's saying, "Not yet." Jeremiah 29:11 says: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
So remember this: God always has us right where He wants us. We just need to trust Him and know His ways are best. Sometimes it will rain, but many, many days the sun will shine. So always remember to bloom where you are planted.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Lessons from a Dragonfly
It was a great day on the beach, but the wind was blowing approximately 900 miles an hour. Every once in a while, we'd be sand blasted, but other than that, it was perfect.
As I sat there, a dragonfly caught my attention. He was perched on a little twiggy thing sticking out of the sand. It was probably something spewed up by the sea. Though it didn't seem important to me, it was a perfect anchor for this dragonfly. He hung out there the entire day. There were other twigs that would have seemed ok, but he had his sights set on this particular twig.
It was so windy I really don't know how he remained anchored to it, but somehow he did. Oh he flew away from time to time, if something scared him or caught him off guard, but he always came right back to that same spot. People buzzed around him, but he just hung on. Waves crashed and birds swooped, but he just clung to the twig. Dogs barked and little kids giggled and screamed with delight, but still he just hung on. It didn't matter how hard the wind howled, he just remained latched to that twig.
Here is what I learned from the dragonfly. We need to allow God to be our anchor. Sometimes the waves of life will crash around us, and people will be going about life doing their own thing, but we just need to keep clinging to The Anchor. Many people won't understand why The Anchor is so important to us, but we should never let that sway us. Sometimes we may even let go and flit away, but we should always keep The Anchor in sight, and never too far from our grasp.
I am not sure dragonflies always spend so much time in one place, but that's a great lesson too. Sometimes you need to slow down, relax, and enjoy the scenery around you. Just hanging out on The Anchor may give you a fresh perspective on life. Even if life leaves you feeling sand blasted, you can take comfort in knowing The Anchor will never move. I'm pretty sure the dragonfly had a great day; I know I sure did. So I will try to remember the lesson from the dragonfly as I flit through life: Slow down every once in a while, and just hang out and rest in God, the one true Anchor.
As I sat there, a dragonfly caught my attention. He was perched on a little twiggy thing sticking out of the sand. It was probably something spewed up by the sea. Though it didn't seem important to me, it was a perfect anchor for this dragonfly. He hung out there the entire day. There were other twigs that would have seemed ok, but he had his sights set on this particular twig.
It was so windy I really don't know how he remained anchored to it, but somehow he did. Oh he flew away from time to time, if something scared him or caught him off guard, but he always came right back to that same spot. People buzzed around him, but he just hung on. Waves crashed and birds swooped, but he just clung to the twig. Dogs barked and little kids giggled and screamed with delight, but still he just hung on. It didn't matter how hard the wind howled, he just remained latched to that twig.
Here is what I learned from the dragonfly. We need to allow God to be our anchor. Sometimes the waves of life will crash around us, and people will be going about life doing their own thing, but we just need to keep clinging to The Anchor. Many people won't understand why The Anchor is so important to us, but we should never let that sway us. Sometimes we may even let go and flit away, but we should always keep The Anchor in sight, and never too far from our grasp.
I am not sure dragonflies always spend so much time in one place, but that's a great lesson too. Sometimes you need to slow down, relax, and enjoy the scenery around you. Just hanging out on The Anchor may give you a fresh perspective on life. Even if life leaves you feeling sand blasted, you can take comfort in knowing The Anchor will never move. I'm pretty sure the dragonfly had a great day; I know I sure did. So I will try to remember the lesson from the dragonfly as I flit through life: Slow down every once in a while, and just hang out and rest in God, the one true Anchor.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Don't Forget to Dance in the Rain
I have a file I have been building for the past 19 years. It's labeled "Memories" and it contains photos, drawings, cards, notes, and other items I've received during my teaching career. This file contains things that have really touched and encouraged my heart over the years.
This week I took time to sort through each item in the file, because after 19 years of teaching, I have accepted a new job as the Coordinator of Gifted Education for Mathews County Public Schools. It's hard for me to believe I am leaving the classroom after all these years, but I am really excited about this new opportunity.
During this quest to pack up my classroom and move to a new location, I found a precious letter one of my students wrote to me about 12 years ago. One line from the letter read, "Thank you, Mrs. Bray, for teaching us to dance in the rain." I have thought so much about that letter, and for the life of me I can't remember a single time I ever took my students outside to dance in the rain.
But then I decided, it really doesn't matter whether I remember dancing in the rain or not. She remembered it, and it was important enough for her to write to me about it. If I had to guess, we probably got caught by an unexpected rain shower on the playground, and we giggled and acted silly all the way inside. I can't be sure about that, but it sounds like something I would do. What I do know is that 12 years later, the lesson from a first grader rings loud and clear in my soul. Embrace each moment and make the most of it, because you never know how your actions will impact another, and you never know if you will ever have another opportunity cross your path again. We always have a choice as to whether we focus on the good or the bad in all situations. Some of the greatest life lessons I have learned have come from my students.
I have loved teaching at Lee-Jackson Elementary School. The friends I've made and the lessons I've learned have shaped me, and I am blessed to have spent so much time there. I cannot thank the parents enough for supporting me and for sharing their precious babies with me. It has truly been a joy.
Now it is time for me to move on to this new adventure. Sometimes change can be hard, but mostly it's exciting. I've had an amazing ride over the past 19 years, and I cannot wait to see what happens next. I don't know what each moment will hold, but I do know I will always have the opportunity to dance in the rain.

Sunday, June 28, 2015
A Change of Heart
Do you ever get an idea in your head about the way a certain situation will go, only to find out God is trying to teach you a different thing? That's exactly what happened to me last week in Louisville, KY.
As we approached the playground where my group would be working, I immediately starting forming opinions of the people who lived in this neighborhood and the lives they must lead. And my eyes told me my opinions were correct. I saw adults who should be working, but they were just hanging out in the neighborhood doing nothing. There was fighting in the streets and all kinds of strange, questionable activities happening all around us. I saw kids coming and going, with no adult supervision. They were sent to the playground with nothing to eat and nothing to drink, and probably no one even knew where they were. After one hour at the playground, all of my suspicions were confirmed. The neighborhood bully was actively tormenting the other kids,and the only mother at the playground sat off to herself and wouldn't interact with anyone. Yep, I clearly had it all figured out.
But then I took time to chat with that mother who sat alone. I asked God to help me connect with her, and that is exactly what He did. But God did way more than that. He also used that mother to change me. We wound up sitting under a shade tree and talking all afternoon. In that time we spent together, I got way more information than I knew how to handle.
She explained to me how she had grown up in the projects and was struggling to break free from the life she had always known. She desperately wanted to show her daughter a new way of life, but she didn't have the means to get out. She shared stories about things that happened in her neighborhood, and the things she said absolutely terrified me. I felt like I couldn't even relate to anything she was saying. Yet all the while, I was touched by her passion for life, and by the way she encouraged the children on the playground to be kind and to react in love to all situations rather than anger.
As the afternoon wore on, she shared part of her life story with me, and God opened my eyes and showed me we were actually not all that different. We both were mamas and we both loved our children very much. We both loved Jesus, and we both wanted what was best for our children. Finding that common bond allowed me to see her in a different light. I no longer wanted to judge her, but I wanted to love her.
At first I was a little ashamed at my negative reaction to the people in that neighborhood, but then I remembered God doesn't judge me the way I judge others. He extends grace to me, and He asks me to extend that same grace to others. No, our problems are not the same, but we all have problems. We are all broken in one way or another, and we are all in need of a Savior. But we serve a God who loves us, and He wants us to love others in return.
Unfortunately, I am very good at judging others,which is why I am so thankful for the beautiful experience I had in KY. Life is a journey, and as we travel, we must strive to be more like Jesus. Our life experiences shape us, and we always have the choice to either learn from our mistakes or just move onward. I am sure my judging problem is far from over, but with God's help maybe I will put my time and effort into getting to know the people around me rather than judging them.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015
A Close Call
I am big on perspective. People view things so differently. Let me give you an example. This morning on the way to school, I was running 55(ish!!!!) when suddenly a car turned in front of me. I slammed on brakes and had to bring the car to a complete stop to avoid smashing into that car. My only focus was getting my car stopped in time, and my heart was just about to beat out of my chest! My perspective was keeping everyone safe and being ever so thankful we weren't involved in a wreck.
Caroline was eating a piece of sausage with cheese. When I slammed on brakes, her sausage went flying. It landed on her pants. All the stuff in the back seat turned upside down. Once she realized we were all ok, she was mad because she had cheese on her pants and the back seat was a wreck.
Kathryn didn't say anything at first. After a while she said she was very thankful she had not been driving. Right before we turned into MHS, she said, "Well here is a funny story. Right before mom almost killed us, I looked at the man sitting at the stop sign. His eyes were about to pop out of his head and his mouth was hung open like a cod fish!"
Four perspectives, same story! As you go through this day and through life, remember this. God has a much bigger plan for us than we can even imagine. We just need to follow Him. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says:
Rejoice always. Pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

Monday, May 11, 2015
Rain Delay
is always such a busy time. We leave at
the crack of dawn and often don’t get home until dinner time or later. Every Sunday evening I check the calendar to
see what the week holds, and every Sunday evening I find the entire week is
packed with an activity every single night.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not complaining. I am just saying life in the Bray house is
very busy. Social media tells me many,
many people keep a schedule that is just as hectic, or maybe even more hectic,
than ours.
55:6 says:
I said, “Oh that I had the wings of a dove! I
would fly away and be at rest.”
glorious does that sound? Can you imagine?
All you have to do is fly away. I
am about ready to take flight just thinking about it. Then I remember all of my responsibilities,
and I realize I really don’t have time to fly away and rest. But God knows all
of our needs. He knew tonight would be a
great night to rest, and so He sent rain, which cancelled all practices and all
evening activities. Instead of running
around like a chicken with my head cut off, I am relaxing in my favorite chair
feeling ever so thankful for a break. I
know the craziness will start again tomorrow, but tonight I am thankful for the
rain delay.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Stop and Smell the Flowers
Spring has sprung! What a glorious time of year where everywhere we look is the promise of new life and warmer weather. The humming birds have returned, daffodils are in bloom, and the croaking of frogs fills the evening air.
I don't know how life is for you, but for the Bray family, along with the beauty of spring comes the business of spring. Most weeks we don't have a single night free and the weekends are even more packed. My Grandma Judy used to say, "You're so busy you meet yourself coming." Although her saying is more true than I'd like to admit, I am learning to slow down and enjoy the beauty around me.
A few years ago, during a particularly busy season of my life, I had a visitor who asked if the dogwood tree in my backyard had bloomed. I was so sad when I realized I had no idea if it had bloomed or not, and I promised myself right then and there I would never again be so busy that I couldn't take time to smell the flowers.
Psalm 96:11-12 says:
Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it; let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them. Then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy.
I don't know how life is for you, but for the Bray family, along with the beauty of spring comes the business of spring. Most weeks we don't have a single night free and the weekends are even more packed. My Grandma Judy used to say, "You're so busy you meet yourself coming." Although her saying is more true than I'd like to admit, I am learning to slow down and enjoy the beauty around me.
A few years ago, during a particularly busy season of my life, I had a visitor who asked if the dogwood tree in my backyard had bloomed. I was so sad when I realized I had no idea if it had bloomed or not, and I promised myself right then and there I would never again be so busy that I couldn't take time to smell the flowers.
Psalm 96:11-12 says:
Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it; let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them. Then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy.
These verses are so beautiful, and they remind me of the promise of spring. I can just imagine all the flowers and trees being jubilant as they return from winter's freezing grasp. When I came home this afternoon, I noticed the dogwood tree was just beginning to bloom. Tonight as soft rain pelts on the window panes, I am reminded of God's promise that as long as the earth remains there will always be seasons. Tomorrow is going to be very busy, but you can be sure that as I meet myself coming I will spend a few minutes in the backyard admiring the dogwood tree. I will always regret missing the dogwood tree bloom that year, but now I rejoice and sing for joy with the trees of the forest as I welcome spring.

Friday, April 10, 2015
Sunshine on a Cloudy Day
I have been thinking a lot about storms lately. This is probably because the other night Troy referred to me as Hurricane Annie, and although I'm not sure it was meant as a compliment, I have been determined to put a positive spin on it!
The thing about hurricanes, which is different from many other storms, is you have time to prepare for them because they hang out in the ocean for days gathering strength. Once the hurricane gets itself together, it comes ashore and does its thing. Thinking about it like that, I can see why Troy called me Hurricane Annie. Before I dive into a project, I like to get myself prepared. Then once I'm organized, I like to move full steam ahead until the job is done. Not everyone functions this way, so the hurricane approach may be stressful to some. I think this is more along the lines of Troy's thought process!
Do you know people who have storm like personalities? Maybe you know a tornado, a rain shower, or maybe even a blizzard! I wonder what type of storm God would want us to be. I don't think He would want us to be a storm at all. I think He would want us to be a ray of sunshine that will encourage others around us. Matthew 5:14-16 says:
You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
I know we are not always going to be in a sunshiny kind of mood and sometimes we may even feel stormy. I think God is o.k. with that. He isn't asking us to change who we are, he's just asking us to shine for him. It's probably not likely I will change my personality, but as Hurricane Annie blows in, I will try to keep a smile on my face and a positive word on my tongue!
The thing about hurricanes, which is different from many other storms, is you have time to prepare for them because they hang out in the ocean for days gathering strength. Once the hurricane gets itself together, it comes ashore and does its thing. Thinking about it like that, I can see why Troy called me Hurricane Annie. Before I dive into a project, I like to get myself prepared. Then once I'm organized, I like to move full steam ahead until the job is done. Not everyone functions this way, so the hurricane approach may be stressful to some. I think this is more along the lines of Troy's thought process!
Do you know people who have storm like personalities? Maybe you know a tornado, a rain shower, or maybe even a blizzard! I wonder what type of storm God would want us to be. I don't think He would want us to be a storm at all. I think He would want us to be a ray of sunshine that will encourage others around us. Matthew 5:14-16 says:
You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
I know we are not always going to be in a sunshiny kind of mood and sometimes we may even feel stormy. I think God is o.k. with that. He isn't asking us to change who we are, he's just asking us to shine for him. It's probably not likely I will change my personality, but as Hurricane Annie blows in, I will try to keep a smile on my face and a positive word on my tongue!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Why Would You Say That Out Loud?
Do you ever stop and think about why people say and do certain things? Haven't you had moments when you thought, "Why in the world would he/she say that out loud?" I know God created us to have incredibly different personalities, which makes the world a more interesting place, but sometimes I wonder what really makes people act certain ways!
Lately I have been thinking about John, as in one of the 12 disciples John, and wondering what he was really like to those who knew him best. Not only was he a disciple, but he was also a good friend to Jesus. In fact, he was known as the disciple whom Jesus loved. He was on the scene during Jesus' earthly ministry, so he definitely had the scoop on the happenings of that time. His gospel does a wonderful job of showing us the life of Jesus. He was right there with Jesus, so I know all of his accounts are spot on.
Lately I have been thinking about John, as in one of the 12 disciples John, and wondering what he was really like to those who knew him best. Not only was he a disciple, but he was also a good friend to Jesus. In fact, he was known as the disciple whom Jesus loved. He was on the scene during Jesus' earthly ministry, so he definitely had the scoop on the happenings of that time. His gospel does a wonderful job of showing us the life of Jesus. He was right there with Jesus, so I know all of his accounts are spot on.
In chapter 20 John tells about Jesus rising from the dead. This is the most beautiful, wonderful story in all of history, but check out what he said right in the middle of the story!
Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. So she came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said, "They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don't know where they have put him!" So Peter and the other disciple started for the tomb. Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. (John 20:1-3)
The story goes on to tell about the hope and certainty of the Christian faith, but I got caught up in wondering why on earth John would refer to himself as "the one Jesus loved." Then a few seconds later he pointed out the fact he had outrun Simon Peter on the way to the tomb. None of this was the focus of the story, and it seemed kind of funny and odd to me that he would share this. Was he trying to be funny? Was he being sarcastic? Was he a guy who just liked to give tons of details when he told a story? I can't really be sure if he was being any or all of those things, but one thing I know is true: John's heart was pure and he loved Jesus.
Maybe those details in the story were put there to make us wonder and seek why he said those things. I asked a lot of people this week why they thought he chose to include those details. No one I spoke with had a definite answer to my questions, but in my quest to understand I did discover something I think is important.
Sometimes when people say things I don't think they should have said out loud, I may tend to judge them. I don't mean to do this, it just accidentally happens. This scripture:
Sometimes when people say things I don't think they should have said out loud, I may tend to judge them. I don't mean to do this, it just accidentally happens. This scripture:

reminds me that I don't know everything, and it is not my place to judge the actions of others. I am thankful God created us all differently, and I am going to work hard on leaving the judging to God. Next time someone says something I think is inappropriate, instead of questioning their motives, I am going to try to celebrate our differences and look to see what lesson or blessing God is showing me.
I only included a little of John's story about the resurrection of Jesus. I encourage you to go back and read the rest of the story from the book of John. Hallelujah! He is Risen!
I only included a little of John's story about the resurrection of Jesus. I encourage you to go back and read the rest of the story from the book of John. Hallelujah! He is Risen!
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Which Way Do I Turn?
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you knew where you were, yet at the same time you were lost? You know my sense of direction isn't really that strong, and if you have spent any time in Mathews, you know the back roads are very confusing. This time I totally knew where I was going, but my friend traveling with me was certain I was going the wrong way. We had heavy discussion about which road would lead to our friend's house. Both of us had been there dozens of times, but this time we allowed doubt to creep in and cloud our sense of judgement. We may have even turned around a time or two as we went my way (right), decided it was wrong, and then turned around and went her way (left). As it turns out, the way we turned didn't really make any difference at all. The roads connected and we were both going the right direction! The old saying, "All roads lead home," actually proves true for our friend because all the roads led to her house. We just about laughed our heads off! But in every situation, there is always a lesson and always a blessing if you choose to see it.
In the journey of life, where our goal is to get to heaven, all roads don't lead home. Jesus makes it very clear in Matthew 7:13-14:
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Hopefully we all go through life trying to make good choices and be kind. But the bible tells us being a good person will not get us to heaven. There is only one way to get to heaven, and that is to trust in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. If we don't choose that narrow road that leads to life, we will be lost for all eternity.
Though I often find myself turning the wrong way and feeling lost, I know there is only one true way home, and that's by way of the cross. I am thankful God sent his Son to die for my sins so I may have eternal life. God has given me friends so we can travel this narrow road together, and maybe even share a few laughs along the way. Now that is what I call a blessing!
I don't know why I felt so led to share this story with you, and it is a little bolder than what I have posted in the past. However, you are my friends and I want to be sure you know about this narrow gate. It reminds me of a saying from my dad, "The truth is welcome in heaven!"
In the journey of life, where our goal is to get to heaven, all roads don't lead home. Jesus makes it very clear in Matthew 7:13-14:
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Hopefully we all go through life trying to make good choices and be kind. But the bible tells us being a good person will not get us to heaven. There is only one way to get to heaven, and that is to trust in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. If we don't choose that narrow road that leads to life, we will be lost for all eternity.
Though I often find myself turning the wrong way and feeling lost, I know there is only one true way home, and that's by way of the cross. I am thankful God sent his Son to die for my sins so I may have eternal life. God has given me friends so we can travel this narrow road together, and maybe even share a few laughs along the way. Now that is what I call a blessing!
I don't know why I felt so led to share this story with you, and it is a little bolder than what I have posted in the past. However, you are my friends and I want to be sure you know about this narrow gate. It reminds me of a saying from my dad, "The truth is welcome in heaven!"

Saturday, March 28, 2015
Flat Tires and Life Lessons
I like to think of myself as a person who is always prepared, but the other day I found myself in a situation where I was completely out of my element. I got a phone call from my daughter saying, "Mom can you come pick us up, we have a flat tire." When I arrived on the scene, I found the other girl's mother trying to figure out how to work a portable air compressor. She and I struggled a little and I'm sure if anyone was watching us they were probably cracking up, but after some hassle we finally got it hooked up. In just a few minutes the tire was re-inflated. I was so impressed and even made the comment that I really needed to have something like that in my trunk in case I ever got in a jam. Our final act before we departed and went our separate ways was to to check the air pressure, but she didn't have a pressure gauge. I thought I had one, so I popped my trunk. I didn't have a pressure gauge, but I did have a flashlight doodad thingy that looked like it had multiple tools in it. After investigating a little further, I discovered I did in fact have an air compressor in my car. It was that flashlight, doodad thingy, but I had no idea how to use it. Troy teased me about it and said it had been in every car I've ever owned. All I have to say is, "Who knew???!!!"
Sometimes life is just like that flat tire. One minute everything is rolling along smoothly, and the next minute we hit a bump and become deflated. That's why I'm so thankful God has given us a tool, to help us along this difficult path of life. The bible is filled with stories and guidance to help us in whatever situation we happen to be in at the time. As long as I have God's word, and as long as I read it and apply it to my life, I won't ever be without the tools I need.
Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke, and encourage-with great patience and careful instruction. -2 Timothy 4:2
Sometimes life is just like that flat tire. One minute everything is rolling along smoothly, and the next minute we hit a bump and become deflated. That's why I'm so thankful God has given us a tool, to help us along this difficult path of life. The bible is filled with stories and guidance to help us in whatever situation we happen to be in at the time. As long as I have God's word, and as long as I read it and apply it to my life, I won't ever be without the tools I need.
Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke, and encourage-with great patience and careful instruction. -2 Timothy 4:2
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Because Goodbye Is Just Too Hard
I want to give you a glimpse into something I experienced last weekend. Picture this: A busy street corner with friends meeting to have lunch together. Children giggling and playing games and strangers visiting, talking, and laughing. Doesn't this appear to be a picture perfect scene?
But we must remember, everything in life is about perspective. This scene actually played out at a soup kitchen. I was chaperoning some kids from my church who were helping to serve lunch. The people we met that day came from all walks of life. Many were homeless or struggling to put food on the table for their families. Some were old and some were very young but whatever was going on in their lives, one thing was certain. They were all there because they could get a free, good, hot meal. Everyone seemed to know one another and they were very happy to have the opportunity to visit and be together.
Of all the people I met that day, there was one who stood out to me. She was a little girl who couldn't be older than eight or nine years old. It took me over an hour to connect with her. Finally after multiple attempts I found a way to break through her barrier. It turns out, we're both in second grade! Once we found something we had in common, she spent the next several hours stuck to me like glue.
As we bonded and she began to share a bit of her story with me, my heart felt the weight this little girl had experienced. Her tales were not something I have experienced, but her story is all too familiar to so many living in our society today.
When it was time for her to go, she jumped up and ran after her family, who had already started walking down the street. and she never looked back. She didn't even say goodbye. And while this devastated me, I know this is just how it had to be for her. Maybe she had already experienced too many goodbyes in her life or maybe she felt no attachment to me what so ever. Or maybe the goodbye was too hard for me, because I felt sad and helpless and I couldn't make things better for her.
But this entire story is told from my perspective. Just because I felt sad certainly doesn't mean she did. Maybe she was content in her circumstances. Paul tells us in Philippians 4:11-12:
I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned to be content in any and every situation, whether we'll fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or want.
As we bonded and she began to share a bit of her story with me, my heart felt the weight this little girl had experienced. Her tales were not something I have experienced, but her story is all too familiar to so many living in our society today.
When it was time for her to go, she jumped up and ran after her family, who had already started walking down the street. and she never looked back. She didn't even say goodbye. And while this devastated me, I know this is just how it had to be for her. Maybe she had already experienced too many goodbyes in her life or maybe she felt no attachment to me what so ever. Or maybe the goodbye was too hard for me, because I felt sad and helpless and I couldn't make things better for her.
But this entire story is told from my perspective. Just because I felt sad certainly doesn't mean she did. Maybe she was content in her circumstances. Paul tells us in Philippians 4:11-12:
I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned to be content in any and every situation, whether we'll fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or want.
The first few times I volunteered my time to help people who didn't have food to eat or a place to lay their heads, I felt so helpless and overwhelmed because the needs around me were so great and I knew the little bit I was giving wasn't going to make a bit of difference. But being with that little girl helped me realize that although I cannot necessarily change the situation of those in need, I can love on them and give them my time. And just maybe that will give them some encouragement and hope and allow them to see Jesus in a fresh, new way. I don't know if I made a difference for that little girl, but she certainly made a difference for me. The sign below was posted on the fence outside, and I believe it sums up what God wants us to do as we walk this path of life.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
What's in Your Pocket?
Last week my school had Fox in Socks Day to celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday. It is pretty exciting for elementary students to wear crazy socks to school, but when the teachers dress up too, it's just over the top exciting! One of my students commented to me as she entered the classroom and saw my crazy socks, “Well aren't you in a good mood this
morning.” It was a funny remark coming from a second grader, but also a very
wise remark as well.
People pay attention to what you wear. They pay attention to how you react to things.
What we wear really does make a difference on how others
perceive us. Do you remember the song from when you were little:
I've got something in my pocket that belongs across my face.
I keep it very close at hand in a most convenient place.
I'm sure you couldn't guess it if you guessed a long, long while.
So I'll take it out and put it on. It's a great big happy smile!
Proverbs 15:13 says:
A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but
heartache crushes the spirit.
So many people cross your path each and every day. We have the opportunity to bring joy to others by sharing a
smile with them or maybe even an encouraging word. People can’t always see our
socks, but they can see our smiles. What
will you portray to others today?

Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Finding a Purpose in Packing
Thank goodness the precipitation falling today has been rain and not snow! It looks like this will be the first time in three weeks we have been to school all five days! Do you know what one of my favorite parts of the snow
days have been? Not having to pack lunches!
Packing lunches is one of my least favorite chores on the planet, so if
it’s not necessary I certainly don’t want to go through the hassle of doing it.
But then I stop and think about one of the last
conversations I ever had with my neighbor.
She was terminally ill, and we both knew this particular
visit was probably our last. After a while, I told her
it was time for me to go because I had to go home and pack lunches for the next
day. I said it in a complaining kind of
way though, because as I mentioned above, it is not my favorite chore. She
jumped on me a little, in her loving, yet firm way, and told me never to take
for granted the little things in life that I could do for others. I came home and cried that night while I
packed lunches as her wise words echoed in my soul. I was really going to miss
my dear friend and all the life lessons she shared with me.
1 Corinthians 10:31 says:
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all
for the glory of God.
My sweet neighbor taught me so much, but one of the most
important lessons I learned from her is that life is short. We are not guaranteed the next minute, so we
shouldn't take things for granted.
Every once in a while I still catch myself complaining about
packing lunches, but every time I do, I think of Connie, and I thank God for
the wisdom she shared with me. And then I continue on with the chore, only this
time, I put a smile on my face.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015
How do you feel about leftovers? My family can’t stand leftovers. Even if they
love the dinner I made, they do not want to eat it again as a leftover. I try to understand this, but for the life of
me I cannot. I think leftovers are fabulous!
You can have a delicious meal all over again without going through all
the hassle of cooking it and cleaning it all up. You can take the leftovers for
lunch the next day and you won’t have to eat a nasty sandwich. What’s not to
I wonder how God feels about leftovers. I don’t think He
likes them very much. Colossians 3:23 says:
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as
working for the Lord and not for men.
Sometimes I think about that verse when I am really tired
and don’t feel like doing my work (dishes, laundry, grading papers, cleaning,
or whatever needs to be done at the time.) God blessed me with a wonderful
family and a job I love, and I need to work hard because it honors God. This applies to my time as well. God wants me to always give Him my best, not
my leftovers.
So when my family asks me what’s for dinner, I will smile
before I answer, because I know that I am going to reheat those leftovers with
all of my heart!

Monday, March 9, 2015
Roast Beef in Heaven
Troy’s grandma Marie made the best roast beef
ever. She used to cook it for me on my
birthday, which makes me smile when I think about it. About three years ago she
told me how to make it, but my first attempt was a failure. She knew I could not be trusted to make the
beef alone, so she told me the next time I attempted to try her recipe, I
should invite her over and she’d show me how do make it (the correct way!!!)
Soon after my failed attempt, I bought another roast and stuck it in the
freezer, but I never had the chance to invite her over. She died a few weeks later. The only thing I had left was the memory of
those verbal directions she had given me. So I set out in a desperate attempt
to get the recipe correct.
God’s word is like that. He used to be here on earth telling others
about God and teaching them how to enter the kingdom of heaven. But then He ascended into heaven to sit at
the right hand of God. He will come back
one day, but until He does, He left us with instructions on how we should live
until He returns. Sometimes God’s instructions are hard to hear and difficult
to follow. We may not get everything right on this journey called life, but if
we stay in His word and follow God’s instructions as closely as we can, God
will bless our efforts. And then one day
when we wake up in heaven, we will take the top off the roast beef pan and God
will say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Sunday, March 8, 2015
I have been training for a 10k race for two months. The only problem is I have been doing this
training only in my mind, which I don’t think really counts. I started this training in January. It took me the entire month to mentally
prepare for my upcoming training season.
I was certain I’d be ready to increase my running in the month of
February. But then I got sick for a few
weeks and had to take some time off. As
soon as I felt better, I planned on getting right back to my training. But then the crazy winter weather struck and
my running path has been icy and snow covered for three straight weeks. I would have trained between the snow storms,
but as you can imagine, that would have been much too dangerous because I could
have fallen and hurt myself. None of
this is my fault really. There is just
nothing I could do to change the situation…
What if we lived our life always making excuses? What if we only did what we wanted, and never took care of our responsibilities? What if every time a situation came up where
someone was in need, we just made an excuse and didn't help them? 2 Peter 1:5-8 tells us the following:
For this very reason, make every effort to add to your
faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge, and to knowledge, self-control; and
to self-control, perseverance; and to
perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly
kindness, love. For if you possess these
qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive
in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
That is quite a list of qualities, but I certainly don’t
want to be ineffective and unproductive, especially in my knowledge for
Christ. So I’m going to try to focus and
make every effort to add those things to my faith.
And about that 10k
training…As soon as the road clears, I’ll be lacing up my tennis shoes!

Friday, March 6, 2015
BFFELL=Friends Forever
Best Friends For Everlasting Life (BFFELL) is an acronym my daughter and one of her good
friends invented. They coined the term when they were very young
and they didn't know everlasting was really just one word and not two. She said they thought about changing the ending to EL, but ELL just rolled off the tongue better. I think they were smart to add the
extra letter. When it comes to friends,
extras are always better and you can never have too many!
God knows we need friends. The
bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 4:9-10:
Two are better than one, because
they have a good return for their work: if one falls down, his friend can help
him up. But pity the man who falls and
has no one to help him up!
In our lifetime, many different
friends walk across our path. Some of these friends have been in our lives
forever, which is a rare and beautiful gift.
Other friends grace us for just a short period of time, but they leave
their footprints on our heart, which makes them a BFFELL.
Friends bring a joy to us we could
never have imagined. They teach us
valuable lessons and they help us through difficult trials. Friendship is a gift to treasure forever and
for always. Michael W. Smith put it best
when he sang “Friends are friends forever, if the Lord’s the Lord of them…and a
lifetime’s not too long to live as friends.” It makes me smile when I think about all the BFFELLs God has given me, and I
am thankful for each and every one of them.

Friday, February 27, 2015
Warning: Falling Snow
As I sit in the quietness of my house, drinking my slow
coffee, I see huge hunks of snow falling from the trees. It is very cloudy and gray out, and the snow just
doesn't seem quite as beautiful to me today as it did yesterday. But then I chide myself for these thoughts,
because God created this day for us and I should be appreciative. Sometimes I find when I can’t discover
immediate joy in something, there is usually a lesson I need to be learning
from the situation. Though this concept
is great in theory, actually applying some of these lessons to my life is way
more difficult.
I am sure we have all been in situations where we have been
hurt in one way or another. There have
been millions of songs and self-help books written on the topic of forgiveness.
We know God calls us to forgive those who hurt us, but that is most often
easier said than done. Almost every
sermon I have ever heard on forgiveness makes me feel like I have fallen short
because whether or not I admit it out loud, I may be harboring a little anger, bitterness, or resentment in my
heart which I am not quite ready to let go.
The bible speaks volumes on the topic of forgiveness. The actual words forgiveness and forgive are
used multiple times throughout the Old and New Testament. The scriptures are
also laced with countless stories that don’t necessarily use the words, but
certainly beautifully illustrate the concept.
Knowing the importance of forgiveness and actually applying
the lesson to your life are two very different things. I think forgiveness is not something that
happens overnight or all at once, but rather bit by bit. Jesus tells us in Mathew 18:22 that we should
forgive “not seven times, but seventy-seven times.” This makes me feel better
because it confirms that forgiving is a really hard thing to do. I shouldn't be discouraged when I start
remembering the old hurt again and negative thoughts try to overtake me, but
instead I should forgive again. Ephesians
4:31-32 helps put this in perspective. It says:
Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and
slander, along with every form of malice.
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as
in Christ forgave you.
As I struggle with this concept of forgiveness, I am going
to try to think about the snow falling from the trees. If I allow a grudge to stay with me too long,
I might become droopy, feeling as if I may snap in half under the weight of the
grudge. But if I forgive, I can free myself from the burden of my own, ugly
thoughts. Even if it’s slow at first,
like the wind blowing little bits of snow off the trees, if I keep at it, I
will be able to dump that grudge to the ground in a large clump. When I forgive
those who have hurt me, I free myself from the winter in my heart and can
become the tree God intended me to be- the one that is ready to bloom!
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
What a beautiful sight to wake up this morning and see the world blanketed with snow! Being a lover of hot weather and sweet summertime, I am not really a fan of all this snow. I do try to stay positive though, so after some pondering, I was able to come up with a new way of thinking to get rid of my winter blahs.
To me it's always very sad when the leaves fall off the trees because it's a sign that we must settle in for the long winter. The trees look so bare and ugly compared to the beauty of spring's buds, summer's fullness, and fall's vibrant colors. This morning when I saw those snow covered trees, I thought about how smart God is to make the trees bare in the winter because when the snow covers them, they are simply breathtaking.
Do you know someone around you who, like that winter tree, is going through a stage in life where they feel bare? Maybe they have experienced hard times or sadness. Maybe they are battling uncertainty or feeling lonely. Sometimes when we go through difficult times, we lose our focus and forget about the beauty that is inside of others or ourselves.
1 Peter 3:3-4 says
Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.
In the struggles of life, what if we decided to see the beauty in all situations? How would that impact our attitude and how could those thoughts encourage others around us? Whenever the opportunity presents itself, seize the moment to tell someone how beautiful they are to you. By choosing to see the beautiful snow covered tree, rather than the ugly, barren, brown one, you will make God smile and that is of great worth.
To me it's always very sad when the leaves fall off the trees because it's a sign that we must settle in for the long winter. The trees look so bare and ugly compared to the beauty of spring's buds, summer's fullness, and fall's vibrant colors. This morning when I saw those snow covered trees, I thought about how smart God is to make the trees bare in the winter because when the snow covers them, they are simply breathtaking.
Do you know someone around you who, like that winter tree, is going through a stage in life where they feel bare? Maybe they have experienced hard times or sadness. Maybe they are battling uncertainty or feeling lonely. Sometimes when we go through difficult times, we lose our focus and forget about the beauty that is inside of others or ourselves.
1 Peter 3:3-4 says
Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.
In the struggles of life, what if we decided to see the beauty in all situations? How would that impact our attitude and how could those thoughts encourage others around us? Whenever the opportunity presents itself, seize the moment to tell someone how beautiful they are to you. By choosing to see the beautiful snow covered tree, rather than the ugly, barren, brown one, you will make God smile and that is of great worth.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Let me begin by saying I did not even see today's snow coming! I am not a meteorologist and although my winter weather predictions seem to be in demand, I am not always accurate! This has been a busier than usual February in the weather predicting department. Many of you have questioned my decision regarding last week's storm when I declared that it was not THE BIG ONE. I understand why you guys thought it was THE BIG ONE because we were out of school for an entire week. But the reason for that was because we actually had two snowstorms last week, one on Monday and one on Wednesday. If all of that snow had fallen in the same day, I definitely would have classified it as THE BIG ONE, but enough justification about that old news. Here are my thoughts for the upcoming snow. Even though I usually tend to dance around the topic giving vague descriptions, I am going to go out on a limb here and go ahead and say, I feel really strongly that this storm coming in tomorrow night and into Thursday is THE BIG ONE!!!! I repeat, THE BIG ONE is coming! Now as you know, that snow line is a major factor. It will not determine if we get snow, but it will determine how much we do get. You know I am no good at predicting totals, but here is what you need to know:
- My toe has been hurting for two days, which means weather is definitely coming.
- All of our major snowstorms come from the south, which is where THE BIG ONE has originated!
- In my opinion, weathermen tend to underestimate snow totals when it comes to storms that come from the south.
- You need to get your clothes washed just in case we lose power.
There you have it my friends! That is my official report. I want to take this time to thank you so much for your support and for believing in my toe's ability to predict winter weather. I also want to thank you for your understanding on the slim chance that this storm turns out to not actually be THE BIG ONE! You should also know that my favorite season is summer, and I predict flip flop weather will be coming to us in the very near future. Stay safe and remember, you heard it here first!

Sunday, February 22, 2015
A Little Encouragement Goes a Long Way
My daughter
Kathryn is a piano player. She started
playing when she was about 5 and took lessons every week until about a 1 ½
years ago. Her piano teacher, whom she
loved dearly, passed away, after a very short bout of cancer. Needless to say, she was heartbroken. After several months of not playing at all, I
finally convinced her to take a lesson from a new teacher, but when it was
over, she got in the car sobbing, saying every time she looked over and saw him
sitting beside her, she thought of Miss Diana and it was just too painful. My
piano sat untouched, and there was nothing I could do to ease her pain. A few weeks ago, a lady from our church asked
if Kathryn would play in the praise band the Sunday before Christmas. This lady had no idea Kathryn wasn't playing
any more. When I asked if she would
play, she was quick to say, “NO!” Later that evening she came to me crying,
saying that she really didn't want to say no, but she just “didn't know how to
play without Miss Diana teaching her the song.”
I could clearly see the struggle happening within her, because I knew
she had the ability but she didn't believe in herself. We talked a lot about that, and I told her
she really had a choice to make. She
could let her talent die with Miss Diana, or she could search herself and pull
out that talent I knew was in there.
I put her to bed and then shed a few tears because my daughter was
hurting and I couldn't help her. The
next afternoon I was buzzing around my house, when suddenly I heard music
coming from the piano. It was a little
rough at first, but then she found her groove.
Then I started hearing some notes that didn't sound quite right. I peeked to see what she was doing, and she
was playing a few notes and then scribbling something on a piece of
paper. This went on for a little while,
and she called me to come into the room and listen. What I saw and heard just blew me away. She had scribbled down the notes to I’ll Fly Away and was playing the song
from her heart. She said, “I did it mom!
I searched way down deep and found what I had been missing. I love playing the piano, but I had
forgotten.” She decided not to play in the praise band this time, and I think
it was the right decision for now, but beautiful music fills my home once again,
and that is a priceless gift.
Here is the
point to my story. That lady at church
had no idea that Kathryn had gone through such a painful experience. The fact that she believed in Kathryn enough
to ask her to play in the band was enough for Kathryn to find that spark
again. You never know how your actions, regardless
how small, will affect someone else. Is
there someone around you who needs encouragement?

Friday, February 20, 2015
Bacon and God's Perfect Timing
My neighbor
and I run 4 days a week, somewhere between the hours of 5:15 a.m. to 7:15 a.m. Now
don’t get me wrong. We are not serious runners, and here’s how you know we aren't serious. Sometimes when another neighbor is frying bacon for breakfast, we can smell it. For years we have been wishing that just once
someone would walk to the end of their driveway and offer us a piece, but NO,
they never do. I’m pretty sure real
runners don’t think about and wish for bacon when they run.
That was the
background information you needed to understand the rest of the story! On Dec.
30th (a Tuesday) I was
hosting a breakfast for my Monday night bible study ladies. On Dec. 23rd (also a Tuesday) I
walked out to the end of my road to meet my neighbor for our run and there was
an unfamiliar car in my driveway. It was
8:00, and we almost never wait that late to go running. That is an important detail because we need to remember that God's timing is always perfect. As I approached the end of my driveway, my
neighbor was laughing her head off, and I was so curious about what was going
on. As I approached I realized it was
one of the bible study ladies who had come to breakfast on the wrong Tuesday. We all shared a good laugh and as she
prepared to leave she said, “Wait!
Before I go, would either of you like a piece of bacon?” Can you believe it? After all of those years of waiting and
wishing, someone FINALLY came to the end of the driveway and offered us a piece
of bacon. It was a Christmas miracle!
Though we laughed and laughed at that funny story, we took time to reflect on
the fact that even though we may want something for a really long time,
sometimes God says, “No.” Or maybe he
says, “Wait.” He orchestrates everything that happens in our lives and He knows
what is best for us. So just remember,
even if it seems like the thing you have been waiting on forever will never
happen, keep the faith. One day out of
the blue, bacon may appear at the end of your driveway!

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